Proxy Configuration Enhancements

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Denali SP1)

What's New?

Downloading all the Patches irrespective of a particular location restricts the system performance as all the Regional Proxies do not have a high bandwidth internet facility. Now, the Master Proxy is provided to download the patches from the centralized location (Cloud Server). This enables the child proxies to download the required patches from the configured Master Proxy of that region. To do this, the Administrator can configure Master Proxy for different regions (North, South, East, and West). 

On the CONFIGURATION page, select the Master Proxy check box to consider the Regional Proxy as the Master Proxy. If the Master Proxy checkbox is not selected, the Administrator must select a Parent Proxy to act as the Master Proxy. In the last scenario, the selected Regional Proxy becomes the child proxy of the selected Parent Proxy

Using this feature, you can configure multiple Parent Proxies based on individual regions.

Process Flow

Figure: Process Flow

UI Changes

  • New fields, Regional Proxy, Master Proxy, and Parent Proxy are provided on the Proxy CONFIGURATION page (Asset > ConfigurationPatch Management > Configuration). For more information, see Configuring Patches.

Figure: Master Proxy Enabled

If the Master Proxy check box is selected, the selected Regional Proxy is considered as the master Proxy, and all the approved Patches mapped to that Regional Proxy are downloaded. If the Master Proxy check box is not selected, a new mandatory field Parent Proxy is displayed where the Administrator has to specify the Parent Proxy. The Parent Proxy downloads all the approved patches.

Figure:  Master Proxy Disabled


When Parent Proxy is becoming a child Proxy, an alert message is displayed. If the user clicks OK, then all Child Proxies that are previously linked to Parent Proxy are removed from the hierarchy.

For example, let's consider Proxy1 as Parent Proxy and Washington P1, and California P1 as Child Proxy. On the changing the Parent Proxy as US P1 and Child Proxy as Proxy1, then Washington P1, and California P1  will be removed from the hierarchy and listed in the drop-down list of Parent Proxy.

  • New columns Master Proxy, and Parent Proxy are added on the CONFIGURATION LIST page (Asset > Configuration > Patch Management > CONFIGURATION > Select a Tenant and click VIEW LIST on the ACTIONS panel). This helps the users to view all Proxy configurations details without navigating to the details page.