Agent Online Status Report Enhancements

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Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Denali SP1)

What's New?

Previously, the Administrator cannot get the user details of the Allocated Asset, and the recently logged in user of the Asset gets displayed on the Agent Online Status Report

Now, the Administrator can view both the user details of the Allocated Asset and the recently logged in user of the Asset. Additionally, the user can filter the report based on user types. For more information, see Agent Online Status Report page.

UI Changes

  • The following new columns are added on the the Agent Online Status Report page:
    • Allocation Type
      This column displays the Asset Allocation type.
    • Single User
      Only the allocated user should use the Asset.
    • Multiple User
      Multiple users can use the allocated Asset. All the user names are separated using comma.

    • Allocated To
      This column displays the name of allocated user of an Asset.
    • Last Logged On User
      This column displays the name of the recently logged in user of the device. This helps in identifying the user in case of Multiple User allocation type.

      Figure: Agent Online Status Report page

  • The following new filter criteria is added for the Search By drop-down field to enhance the search: 

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up page - Allocated User

    Figure: FILTERS pop-up page - All Users