Enhancements in Asset Deallocation Page
Feature released in SummitAI Asset Management (Tahoe SP3 HF01, Asset Management)
What's New?
Store Manager or Analyst can now view the Source Store (Parent Store) and Destination Store information while deallocating an asset.
The Source Store and Destination store information column is added in the Selected Asset grid of the Asset Deallocation Page. The columns are displayed as:
- Parent Store: Displays the original store information.
- Destination Store: This is an editable field with search control providing the location tree from which the necessary location store can be selected.
The destination store column displays the same parent store by default but can be changed through the edit option if the store is different than the parent store.
- Provides clarity on the parent store information of a particular asset.
- Provides provision to move an asset from the parent store to other store during the deallocation action.
- Helps in selecting a destination store apart from the original parent store.
To view Asset Deallocation page:
- Navigate to Asset > Asset Inventory > Fixed Asset.
- Select the TENANT from the drop-down, which is a mandatory field.
- Click any count hyperlink in the Allocated column. Fixed Asset List Page will be displayed.
- On the FIXED ASSET page, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the required details, select the Status as Allocated, and click SUBMIT to view the list of Assets based on the filter criteria. For more information about fields on the FILTERS pop-up page, see Searching Assets.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up
5. The list of Assets based filter criteria is displayed. Click the Asset ID to view the Asset details. For more information, see Viewing Asset Details.
6. Select the check box corresponding to the Asset that has to be deallocated. On the ACTIONS panel, click DEALLOCATE.
Figure: Fixed Asset List Page- Deallocation Action
7. On the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page, type in the required details to deallocate the Asset. The selected asset details such as Asset ID, the category which it belongs to, Serial ID, Asset Code, Parent Store and Destination Store details are displayed in the grid view.
8. The Parent Store column displays the original store information.
9. The Destination Store column is an editable field with search control. It displays the same Parent Store location as default. In case of Destination Store location to be updated by Store Manager / Analyst, the search option can be used to select the respective destination store. For more information, refer Prerequisites for Destination Store update in Asset Deallocation.
10. Upon the selection of search control, the location tree will be displayed through which the necessary Store location can be selected.
Figure: Deallocate Fixed Asset Page- with Parent and Destination Store column
11. For bulk deallocation of assets, if the updated destination store information is common for many selected assets, the information selection can be done easily by using the widgets instead of manual typing.
- The Widgets in the destination store column is used as:
12. Deallocate Assets From column is a multivalued drop-down with multiselect checkbox option against the usernames.
The username selected will be considered for asset deallocation. This is helpful for multiple user allocation where asset must be deallocated ONLY from one specific user.
For a single asset allocation, it displays one username with an auto-checked checkbox.
Upon submission, the following message will be displayed: "The deallocation of Assets will proceed for the users selected".
13. Click SUBMIT.
Upon submission, two messages are displayed which depends on the Maker Checker configuration and the Store Movement Configuration. For more information, refer Maker Checker and Store Movement Configuration.
When the deallocation is completed successfully, the Asset Inventory list page is refreshed.
- Post deallocation from the selected user, the name of the retained users is reflected under the column Username for Allocated List of Assets.
The below figure can be considered as a reference:
Figure: Asset Inventory List Page- after the Asset Deallocation, with User Name and Email-ID
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the DEALLOCATE FIXED ASSET page:
Tenant | Displays the tenant of the selected asset. |
Category | Displays the category of the selected asset. |
Allocated User | Displays the name of the user to whom the asset is allocated. |
Request ID | Displays the related Incident ID. |
Asset Code | Displays the code of the Asset. |
Asset Condition | Lists the configured Asset Conditions. Select the Asset Condition from the drop-down. |
Reference ID | Specify the Reference Id of the Asset. Note: The Administrators can configure the label name and the mandatory status for this field on the ASSET APPLICATION SETTINGS page. For more information, see Configuring Asset Application Settings.
Remarks | Specify remarks for deallocating the Asset. |
Sub Status | Select the sub status of the Asset. |
Asset ID | Displays the identification number of the assets which are selected for deallocation. Upon clicking the hyperlink, the user is navigated to the ASSET DETAILS page. |
Category | Displays the Category of the assets which are selected for deallocation. |
Serial No | Displays the Serial number of the assets which are selected for deallocation. |
Asset Code | Displays the Asset Code of the assets which are selected for deallocation. |
Parent Store | Displays the original store information.
Destination Store | Displays the same Parent Store location as default. In case of different Store location requirement, the search option can be used to select destination store other than parent store.