Category and Classification on Approval Knowledge Record list page displays correct characters

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Tahoe SP3 HF01, Knowledge Management)

What's New?

Previously, the Approve Knowledge Record list page, displayed ??? character instead of the localized selected language. In this release, if you have Category or Classification selected in another language, it now displays the translated characters successfully for Category and Classification on the Approve Knowledge Record list page. 


Ensure that the following prerequisites are met: 

  • Ensure you have a Category or Classification mentioned in language other than English already configured.

Configuration Steps

To check the category and classification on Approval Knowledge Record: 

  1. Select the Knowledge Record from the left navigation pane. 
  2. Under User, click Approve Knowledge Record. 
  3. As shown in the following figure, the Category and Classification columns display the characters correctly now, instead of ??? characters. 

    The following screen is a sample displaying Japanese characters for Category and Classification.

    Figure: Localized characters for Category and Classification