Enhanced Export to PDF translations

What's New?

As a part of this enhancement the PDF headers, column names and few column data are translated to selected language in Incident Management, Service Request Management, Problem and Change Management.

Earlier, if the user downloaded the PDF by using the Export to PDF option throughout the application, the language translation provision was not available.


  • This enhancement brings in multi language translation to PDF creation too.
  • Better readability for users who wish to extract PDF in selected language.
  • Improved customer experience.


To enable this feature, the Admin must add the following keys in the Web.config file and add Weglot key in “App:WeglotKey“

<add key="App:WeglotURL" value=https://api.weglot.com/translate?api_key= />

<add key="App:WeglotKey" value="" /> // need to provide the Weglot key in value

<add key="App:IsWeglotExportToExcelEnabled" value="true" />

Add the following key in the Web.config file to validate whether the columns are in English. During validation the columns to be translated, and which columns are to be excluded are verified.

<add key="App:WeglotIdentifyNonEnglishContent" value="[^a-zA-Z0-9().:@!?\"'*$#\[\];{}<>\/=|\\&^%~,_\-\s]" />


The Weglot Key IsWeglotExportToExcelEnabled is applicable to Export to PDF too.

Incident Management

To export the PDF in selected language, perform the following steps in Incident Management:

  1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incidents > My Incidents.
  2. Change or Select the language to Japanese language.
 View- Language Translation

Figure: Language selection for Translation

3. Select an Incident from the list of Incidents.

4.In the right collapsible actions panel click EXPORT TO PDF.

5.Select the sections required in PDF and click Export.

In the exported PDF the following fields are translated to user selected language -

Field NameValue
Major IncidentTrue/False
Response SLA Violated? True/False
Resolution SLA Violated?True/False
Linked to KB?True/False
Related Record - StatusAssigned


In this document all language translations are performed to Japanese language only as an example.

Service Request Management

To export the PDF in selected language, perform the following steps in Service Request Management:

  1. Navigate to Requests > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List
  2. Change or Select the language to Japanese language.
  3. Select a Service Request (SR) from the list of SRs.
  4. In the right collapsible actions panel click EXPORT TO PDF.

      5. Select the sections required in PDF and click Export.

In the exported PDF the following fields are translated to user selected language -

Field NameValue
Response SLA Violated? True/False
Resolution SLA Violated?True/False
Linked to KB?True/False
Approval Information - Approval LevelLevel 1
Approval Information - StatusApproved
Approval Information - Refer backRequestor/Previous approver
Related Record - StatusAssigned
 Sample PDF

Figure: Sample PDF translated to Japanese in Service Request Module

Change Management

To export the PDF in selected language, perform the following steps in Change Management:

  1. Navigate to Change > My CRs > My Change Requests
  2. Change or Select the language to Japanese language.
  3. Select a Change Request (CR) from the list of CRs.
  4. In the right collapsible actions panel click EXPORT TO PDF.
  5. Select the sections required in PDF and click Export.

In the exported PDF the following fields are translated to user selected language -

Field NameValue
Status (Standard)New/Assigned
Operational Risk Value True/False
Business Risk ValueTrue/False
Change Type (Standard)True/False
Back-out plan TestedLevel 1
Test StageApproved
Related Record - StatusRequestor/Previous approver
Requirement - Resource TypeAssigned
Requirement - Resource Type >>StatusYet to Receive
Requirement - Technical Requirement >> StatusYet to Receive
Requirement - Financial Requirement >> StatusYet to Receive
Implementation Plan - Is the change implemented or rolled back Rolled Back
Implementation Plan -Is the change successfulYes/No
Implementation Plan - CI Update requiredYes/No

Problem Management

To export the PDF in selected language, perform the following steps in Problem Management:

  1. Navigate to Problem> My CRs > My Change Requests
  2. Change or Select the language to Japanese language.
  3. Select a Change Request (CR) from the list of CRs.
  4. In the right collapsible actions panel click EXPORT TO PDF.
  5. Select the sections required in PDF and click Export.

In the exported PDF the following fields are translated to user selected language -

Root Cause Analysis - Actual (Y/N)True/False
Related Record - StatusAssigned
Add To Known ErrorYes/No