Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Elbrus SP3
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On this page: Customer Fixed Issues | Known Issues
Customer Fixed Issues
Known Issues
This section describes the known issues detected by the Summit Dev and QA team in the release, Elbrus SP3 Release.
Issue ID | Issue Description | Scenario | Workaround |
137394 | Upload File/List uploaded files and delete functionality was not working. | Steps:
| NA |
135639 | The template “CI Owner Notification” is not available under the notification templates for the change module. | Prerequisites:
| Disable the Global tenant for the “CI Owner Notification” template to visible for other tenants. |
134693 | Push notifications to mobile device are sent after scheduler runs, even when user’s session is not active (user has logged off from Mobile device). | Prerequisites: 1. Enable the Mobile Notification in profile. 2. Ensure 'Mobile Notification job scheduler' is Running. Steps:
| NA |
133775 | Unable to click Classification and Category field drop-down list values, as the page is getting expanded. | Prerequisites:
| NA |
133347 | The Business Rule was not getting saved without configuring Update fields. | Steps:
| NA |
133344 | Getting oops error for specific business rules. | Prerequisite:
| NA |
111719 | Audit logs are not getting tracked after ending the session. | Prerequisites:
| NA |
124911 | Cost is displayed incorrectly as CPI calculation is not working properly. | Pre-Requisites:
| Not applicable |
124863 | On the Copy Service request tab, when Different Caller is selected, unable to enter the username or other details on the Select User pop-up. | Prerequisites:
| Type in the Username in the Different Caller option instead of searching the username. |
124867 | In the copy service request, when an SR is created for a catalog and the same catalog is modified by adding new attributes such as a multivalued dropdown (or any other attributes), Scenario 1: The record added for the new multivalued dropdown displays for the existing record. Scenario 2: Oops an error occurred error message is displayed when clicked on the pagination grid and the entire grid is not visible. | Prerequisites:
| NA |
110901 | For Additional Information tab of Rule Template page, unable to attach the files based on the configuration done for the Attachment Limit (Single or Multiple) field on Form Builder page. | Prerequisites:
| N/A |
100922 | An error ‘Opps! An error occurred’ or a Saved Successful message was displayed for all the modules, if the mandatory configuration fields were saved with a space (empty) value. | Scenario – I 1. Navigate to Incident > SLA Configurations > Urgency. 2. Select a Tenant. 3. Click Add New from left panel. 4. Press Space Key in Urgency Name field and click SUBMIT Scenario – II 1. Navigate to Problem Management > SLA Violation Reason. 2. Select a Tenant. 3. Click Add New from left panel. 4. Select the Violation Type from the list. 5. Press Space Key in SLA Violation Reason field and click SUBMIT. | N/A |
105119 | After submission, the text is getting converted to code for Question and Answer fields. | Prerequisites: 1. Navigate to Knowledge > User > New Knowledge Record. The New Knowledge Record details page is displayed. Specify the mandatory fields. Make sure for Question field use keyboard Enter key. Click Submit. 2. Navigate to Knowledge > User > Knowledge Record List. The Knowledge Record List page is displayed. Open any KB article with Status as Published. The Knowledge Record details page is displayed. Click COPY KNOWLEDGE RECORD link under Action panel. Check for the Answer field. | N/A |
100352 | When a Change Record (CR) is created with ‘special characters’ in status, it does not display any data in Change Record list page. | Prerequisites: 1. Create a 'status' having special characters such as (*satus_test*). 2. Create the CR. Steps: 1. Log in as approver. 2. Navigate to Change > Change record list. 3. Click on the Filters icon. 4. Select the 'Tenant' field as ALL. 5. Select the previously created 'status'. 6. Click Apply. 7. Verify the results, after applying the status filter with special characters. | N/A |
100760 | The ‘Category’ filters on the Change Record (CR) list page do not display any data results when you select ALL Tenant and Category. | Steps: 1. Navigate to Change > User > Change Record list. 2. Select the 'Tenant' field as ALL. 3. Select the field as Category. 4. Click Apply. 5. Check the results displayed on the Change Record list page. | The Category filter works fine, when you select individual Tenant and Category. |
100781 | When a ‘User Contact Number’ is used to filter records on the list page of IM/SR/PM, it does not fetch any data records. | Below is just an example from Incident Management list page. It also applies to SR and PM list pages too where User Contact Number is used. as filter: Steps: Incident Management (IM) 1. Navigate to Incident > Manage Incident > Incident List. The Incident List page is displayed with list of incidents. 2. From Filter options, select User Attributes 3. Click Apply. 4. Verify the results, after applying the User Contact Number filter. | N/A |
100796 | The ‘Time Selection’ option is not displayed to an Analyst on the SR list page, when Equals (=) operator is selected for Time Filter. | Steps: 1. Log in as an Analyst. 2. Navigate to Request > Service Request List. 3. Select the Time related Filter and choose Equals (=) operator. 4. Click Calendar icon. 5. Check if you are getting the Time Selection option or not in Calendar popup. | N/A |
100798 | The filter option ‘<=’ operator for Log Time Filter used by an Analyst on the SR list page, does not yield proper filter results. | Steps: 1. Log in as an Analyst. 2. Navigate to Request > Service Request List. 3. Select the Log Time filter and choose operator (<=). 4. Click Calendar icon. 5. Select date and time for an already existing SR. 6. Click Apply. 7. Check if you are getting the filter results. | N/A |
100808 | The View names created by an Analyst for IM/SR/PM/CM modules with long Japanese names are getting out of the container, unlike the English long names. | Steps: 1. Log in to the Application as an Analyst. 2. Navigate to Request > Service Request List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view. 3. Navigate to Incident > Incident List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view. 4. Navigate to Problem > 5. Navigate to Change > Change Record List and create a view with long Japanese name and apply view. 6. Verify the view name in Japanese language text which goes out of the container. | N/A |
100813 | The Assigned To drop-down does not display the User list. | Prerequisite: The key <add key="App:MultiLanguageEncodingEnabled" value="true" /> is set to True in webconfig file. Steps: 1. Navigate to Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List. In the Incident List Click Incident ID hyperlink. The Incident ID details page is displayed. | N/A |
111673 | Attachment details deleted during editing are not captured in the Change History. The same issue persists in Problem, RCA, and Diagnostic tabs.
| Steps:
| NA |
108668 | After adding the Consumable Asset, a “No Data” message is displayed however, it is visible in the SEARCH ASSET popup.
| Prerequisites:
| Asset Attributes can be made mandatory in the action panel of Form Builder page by selecting Add Validation Rules for saved controls. |
110654 | The uploaded file name is not displayed on the Preview and Update Category page when the user clicks the Update Category icon. | Prerequisites:
| NA |
108230 | While creating a Report, if the report name was greater than 40 characters system displayed an error. | Steps:
| Reports are getting created successfully even when the report name is greater than 40 characters. |
111814 | Due to performance issue in Database (DB), the Incident remarks are not updating in the event history. | Prerequisite:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
| NA |
133780 | The selected Catalog Category is not displaying under Subject Header in the Service Request Details Page. | Pre-Condition:
| NA |
133693 | Unable to Navigate to the Next Page after clicking Next while creating the New Service Request. | Pre-Condition:
| NA |
132272 | The caller field does not populate search results while creating a new incident for user. | Steps:
| NA |
133384 | User was getting redirected to the BUSINESS RULE List Page post clicking on the SUBMIT button in the BUSINESS RULE configuration page. | Steps:
| NA |