Viewing Updating My Service Requests (SRs)_SRM
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
SummitAI Service Management Help
Configuring Service Request Management Module
Configuring Custom Fields _SRM
Configuring Work Order- Catalog Mapping
Configuring Workgroup SLA Window
Configuring SLA Service Windows
Copying Data from Incident Management
Configuring Information Ticker
Configuring End User SR Details Page
Configuring SR E-mail Notifications
Configuring SR SMS Notifications
Configuring Recertification Period
You can view the Service Request (SRs) logged for you, provide additional information, and update them.
To view or update SRs:
- On the USER DASHBOARD page (Dashboard menu), click OPEN INCIDENTS under INCIDENT. Alternatively, select Request > User > My Service Requests.
- On the MY SERVICE REQUESTS page, you can view the list of SRs logged for you (Tile view or Tabular view).
Figure: MY SERVICE REQUESTS (Tile view)
Figure: MY SERVICE REQUEST (Tabular view) - Select the SR ID of the SR that you want to view or update. The following page is displayed with all the details about the SR:
Figure: SERVICE REQUEST page - You can provide additional information about your SR in the Additional Information text box or add attachments. For more information about the fields on the SERVICE REQUEST page, see Logging Service Requests.
- Reopen SR, see Reopen SRs.
- Cancel SR, see Cancel SRs.
- Escalate SRs, see Manual Escalation.
- Close SR, see Closing SRs.
- Provide Feedback, see Providing Feedback.
Click SUBMIT to save your changes.
You can view the name the Approver who has updated (Approved/ Rejected/ Referred back) the Service Request in the notification e-mails sent to you.
Viewing Procurement Details on My Service Request Page
The End Users can view Procurement details related to the Service Requests (Request >My Service Requests > Select the SR ID which is pending for Procurement) they have raised. This helps them to check the status of the Service Request, which requires procurement of products.
Figure: My Service Request page
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the SERVICE REQUEST page.
Click SEND E-MAIL to send e-mails to Workgroup members, Analysts, caller, or user asking for information or update about a Service Request (SR).
Figure: SEND E-MAIL pop-up page
The following table describes the fields on the SEND E-MAIL pop-up page:
Field | Description |
Select Recipient | Allows the users to select listed recipients. Select the check box of the required recipient and click ADD TO to add it to the To list and click ADD CC to add it to CC list. |
To List | Displays the list of users added to the To list. |
CC List | Displays the list of users added to the CC list. |
Subject | Type in the subject of the e-mail. |
Body | Type in the body of the e-mail. Note: Use the menu options provided to format your text. You can also add/remove links in the body. |
Click PRINT to take a print of the SR details.
Figure: Print pop-up page
You can provide feedback to the resolved SRs. A FEEDBACK icon is displayed on the ACTIONS panel for the resolved SRs.
Click the FEEDBACK icon and provide your feedback in the pop-up page.
Figure: FEEDBACK pop-up page
Resolution e-mails are sent to you after a SR is resolved. You can provide a feedback by clicking the link or image in the e-mail without logging into the application. The FEEDBACK page is pre-populated with the configured rating values based on the link/ image you clicked. You can change the ratings if required. The Administrators can configure this option by selecting the check box, Enable Feedback Page Without Authentication (see: Configuring Application Settings).
Click AUDIT HISTORY to view the audit details about the SR. On the AUDIT HISTORY pop-up page, information, such as the fields that are modified (Column Name), the date of change (Change Date), the user who made the changes (Changed By), the value of the field before the change (Old Value), and the new value (New Value) are displayed.
Figure: AUDIT HISTORY pop-up page
Click CHAT HISTORY to view the chat details related to the SR. The CHAT HISTORY pop-up page displays the details related to chat details with Analyst and with Assistant (Chatbot).
Figure: CHAT HISTORY pop-up page
Click CHANGE HISTORY to view the changes that occurred on the Service Request, the user who made the changes, the date and time when the change was made, and also the previous and new values for the Service Request.
Figure: CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page
The following table describes the field on the CHANGE HISTORY page:
Field | Description |
Column Name | Displays the type of modification on the Service Request. |
Change Date | Displays the latest date and time at which the Service Request details was changed. |
Changed By | Displays the name of the person who has changed or edited the Service Request details. |
Old Value | Displays the old value of the field and is changed to a new value. |
New Value | Displays the current value of the field. |
Mail History | Displays the mail history details of the Service Request. Click the link More to view complete conversation details occurred between the User and the Analyst. |
The REOPEN icon is enabled only for the resolved SRs. Click REOPEN to reopen a resolved SR if you are not satisfied with the solution provided for the SR . You cannot reopen closed SRs. In the REOPEN SERVICE REQUEST pop-up page, type in the reason for reopening the SR.
Figure: REOPEN SERVICE REQUEST pop-up page
You can close the SRs manually if your SR is resolved and you are satisfied wi