Creating Asset Groups_AM
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Enterprise IT
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Approving Asset Using Maker-checker
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Configuring Asset Management Module
Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder
Configuring My Asset List Page
Asset Masters
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Configuring Allocation Form Template
Configuring Field Display Order on Fixed Asset List Page
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Software Baseline Profile Mapping
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Approval Matrix
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Configuring Deactivation Approval Matrix
The Asset Groups are a logically grouped together set of Assets based on various factors, such as Tenant, function, group, etc.
To create Asset Group:
Select Asset > Configuration > Patch Management > Asset Group.
On the ASSET GROUP page, select the Tenant for which you want to view the list of Asset Groups.
Click ADD NEW to create an Asset Group. Under the DETAILS tab, select the Tenant, provide the Asset Group Name, Description, select the Active check box to make it an active Asset Group, and select the days to schedule the Patches in the Scheduled Days field. Click NEXT.
Figure: ASSET GROUP page - Details tabUnder the Assets Assignment tab, click SELECT ASSET on the ACTIONS panel. In the ASSET ASSIGNMENT pop-up page, select the Assets that should be assigned to the Asset Group and click ASSIGN. You can also use the Filters icon to select the Assets for a Category based on Filters, such as IP Address, Location, and System. You can also export the page or export all the pages to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
Figure: ASSET ASSIGNMENT pop-up page
If you want to remove any Asset from the Asset Group, select the check box for the Asset and click UNASSIGN. Click SUBMIT to create the Asset Group.
Figure (Screen shot 1): ASSET GROUP page - Asset Assignment tabNote:
An Unassigned Asset Group is created by default. The Assets that do not belong to any specific Asset Group belong to this Unassigned Asset Group.
This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the ASSET GROUP (GROUP NAME) page.
Click Filters to specify filter criteria to view specific Assets in the ASSET LIST section of the ASSET GROUP (GROUP NAME) and ASSET ASSIGNMENT pop-up pages.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page
The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page.
Field | Description |
Filters | Select a filter criteria from the drop-down list as per which you want to view the Assets. You can select the following filter criteria:
Approved | Select the Approved type. The available options are All, Approved, and Not Approved. The asset list is displayed based on the selected approval status. |
Update Type | This field lists the patches with respect to the update type. Select the required update type to view the list of assets on which the selected update type is installed. |
Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the Asset Groups created for the selected Tenant.
The following table describes the fields on the ASSET GROUPS page:
Field | Description |
Sl. No. | Displays the serial number of the Asset Group in the list. |
Group | Displays the Asset Group name. |
Installed | Displays the number of Assets on which all the up-to-date Patches are installed. |
Not Installed | Displays the number of Assets that have missing Patches. It is applicable even if one Patch is missing from the applicable list of Patches. |
Not Scanned | Displays the number of Assets that are part of the Asset inventory and where the Asset Patch scan has not happened. It shows calculated percentage with respect to the total Assets. The reason behind the Assets not getting scanned can be either there is no cab file found from scanning the missing Patches or due to incomplete configuration. |
Not Applicable | Displays the number of Assets that are not applicable for Patch compliance. For example, a Patch may be applicable for desktops with Windows 7 but not applicable for desktops with Windows 10. |
Compliance %Age | Displays the percentage of Not Applicable Assets and Installed Assets against the Total number of Assets available in an Asset Group. Formula: Installed + Not Applicable/Total * 100% |
Total | Displays the total number of Assets available in an Asset Group. |
Description | Displays the description of the Asset Group. |
Modified By | Displays the name of the user who last modified the Asset Group. |
Modified On | Displays the date and time when the Asset Group is last modified. |
Active | A True value indicates that the Asset Group is active. |
Scan for Missing Patches | Automatically Scans for the Patches that are missed. |
Deployment Schedule | Displays the desired day and time to download Patches. |
- To edit an Asset Group, click the Group name. Make appropriate changes and click SUBMIT.
To display the inactive Asset Groups, click the Include Inactive check box.
When the Asset Groups are displayed under the LIST table, the following buttons are displayed in the ACTIONS panel:
- ADD NEW: Click ADD NEW to create a new Asset Group.
- Filters: Click Filters to set filter criteria to view specific Asset Groups in the ASSET GROUPS pages.
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page - EXPORT TO EXCEL: Select the Asset Groups and click Export to Excel to export the Asset group details to Excel. Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.
To export the records displayed on this page, click Export this page. To export all the Asset details, click Export All.
- AUTO GROUP: Auto Group functionality is beneficial if new Assets added in the inventory needs to be added in the Patch group without following numerous steps.
You can quickly browse the following YouTube link to get a glimpse of Auto Group feature.
- Minimizes time when new assets are included in the inventory and these assets are required to be added directly to existing groups or new groups.
- Eliminates manual activity of adding Assets to Patch groups.
User Persona: Administrator
The high level steps to create a Patch group is summarized in the following infographic.
Figure: Steps to create Patch group
- Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Form Builder.
- On the FORM BUILDER page, select Asset Management from the Module list. Navigate to specific category. Example: Desktop.
- Under the FORM DETAILS tab, create a drop-down category attribute. Add the drop-down values and click SAVE.
To create Patch group, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to Asset > Asset Masters > Key Field Mapping.
- Navigate to the category attribute created earlier that is Patch Entity.
- Map this Patch Entity to Asset Entity and SUBMIT.
- Navigate to Asset > Manage Assets > Asset Inventory. Select the Asset type as
- Select the required Asset from the list.
- In the Filters section on the right panel click UPDATE.
You can also perform Bulk update. Navigate to Asset > Manage Assets > Import > Bulk Asset Allocation.
7. In the UPDATE FIXED ASSET page, Navigate to Patch Entity and select Location then click
8. Navigate to Asset > Patch Management > Asset Group.
9. Click AUTO GROUP.
The new groups will be created based on the drop-down values that are mentioned on the Patch Entity attribute. With AUTO GROUP create a new Group for an Entity where all the unassigned Assets can be grouped together.