Software Delivery and Uninstallation AM
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
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Verifying Asset Reconciliation
Approving Physically Verified Assets
Approving Store Wise Reconciled Assets
Approving Asset Using Maker-checker
Contract Management
Adding Contract or Agreement Details
Software Delivery
Configuring Software Delivery Schedule
Viewing Software Delivery Status
Viewing Software Uninstallation Report
Configuring Asset Management Module
Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder
Configuring My Asset List Page
Asset Masters
Configuring Location And Store
Configuring Notifications and Templates
Configuring Allocation Form Template
Configuring Field Display Order on Fixed Asset List Page
Configuring Software Baseline Profiles
Software Baseline Profile Mapping
Configuring Depreciation Formula
Configuring Depreciation Field Mapping
Configuring Custom Depreciation Formula
Configuring Custom Hardware Variance
Configuring Application Control Messages
Configure Software and Executable Execution Type
Endpoint Automation Profile Mapping
Configuring Asset Application Settings
Configuring Asset Scan Domain List
Configuring Local Password Management
Configuring E-mail Notifications
Configuring Asset Integration Details
Configuring Additional Discovery
Scheduling Asset Physical Verification
Adding Software Deployment Profile
Approval Matrix
Deactivation Approval Matrix
Configuring Deactivation Approval Matrix
Software Delivery
The Administrators or personnel with appropriate access can deliver a software, Operating System (OS), or an application to the specified systems at a specified time in an organization. The software can be delivered remotely or through an agent. You can view the status of each software installation and record the details of the user system for reference. You can configure the software, store them in the database, and deliver them according to the organizational needs.
- Configuring Software: Configure the software that needs to be installed by the Asset Agent or remotely on target devices. For more information, see Configuring Software Package.
- Software Delivery Schedule: You can install software on the employees’ computer systems based on the organizational requirements. Set the arguments and pre-conditions for the software to be installed. Set the timings and date for the software delivery/installation on the specified Assets. For more information, see Configuring Software Delivery Schedule.
- Configuring Jobs: Configure the jobs to deliver the software on the target devices as per the specified time. For more information, see Configuring Software Delivery Schedule.
- Configuring Jobs: Configure the jobs to deliver the software on the target devices as per the specified time. For more information, see Configuring Software Delivery Schedule.
- Checking Software Delivery Status: View the status of software delivery for each Asset. You can view the software delivery task completion for each Asset, such as start and end time, status message with an indicator, output messages, and errors occurred during the process. For more information, see Viewing Software Delivery Status.
Advantages of Software Delivery
- Pushes applications to all computers without manual interventions
- Schedules the delivery as per requirement and bandwidth
- Software Delivery report notifies about successful or unsuccessful installations
- Initiates the re-execution for failed installations.
Software Uninstallation
You can uninstall software from systems using the following two methods:
- Software Delivery Method: You can configure the software to be uninstalled (see: Configuring Software Package), set the pre-conditions, arguments, timings, and set the target devices from which the software should be uninstalled, and configure the jobs to perform the uninstallation (see: Configuring Software Delivery Schedule). You can view the status of software uninstalled (Asset > Software Delivery > Software Uninstallation Report). This method is used while uninstalling software from multiple machines.
- Variance Report Method: You can check the Software Variance report and identify the machine from the software should be uninstalled, see Viewing Software Variance. This method is used while uninstalling a software from a single machine.