Asset Types

Asset Types



Configuring Asset Management Module

Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder

Configuring My Asset List Page

Custom Scheduler Jobs

Asset Masters

Configuring Location And Store

Configuring Asset Purpose

Configuring Action Attribute

Configuring Fault Type

Configuring Solution Type

Configuring Notifications and Templates

Configuring Allocation Form Template

Configuring Key Field Mapping

Configuring Data Templates

Configuring Field Display Order on Fixed Asset List Page


Software Request Mapping Form

Adding/ Updating Software

License Mapping

Blacklisting Software

Configuring Software Baseline Profiles

Software Baseline Profile Mapping

Configuring Software License

License Key Mapping


Configuring Depreciation Formula

Configuring GAAP Depreciation

Configuring Depreciation Field Mapping

Configuring Custom Depreciation Formula


Discovery Mapping

Configuring CMDB Mapping

Procurement Mapping

Account Mapping

Configuring Custom Hardware Variance

Mapping ServiceNow Category

Application Control

Creating and Updating Profile

Mapping Profiles

Configuring Application Control Messages

Configure Software and Executable Execution Type

Viewing Software Process List

Endpoint Compliance

Endpoint Dashboard

Viewing Endpoint Profile List

Configuring Endpoint Profile

Viewing Dynamic Endpoint

Configuring Dynamic Endpoint

Mapping Endpoint Profile

Endpoint Automation

Endpoint Automation Scripts

Endpoint Automation Scheduler

Endpoint Automation Profile Mapping

Patch Management

Viewing Patch List

Creating Asset Groups

Configuring Patches


Configuring Asset Application Settings

Configuring Asset Movement

Configuring Asset Alerts

Configuring Store Threshold

Configuring Asset Scan Domain List

Configuring Local Password Management

Configuring E-mail Notifications

Configuring Asset Integration Details

Configuring Additional Discovery

Scheduling Asset Physical Verification

Configuring Product Price

Adding Software Deployment Profile

Approval Matrix

Configuring Approval Matrix

Configuring Approver Role

Mapping Approver

Deactivation Approval Matrix

Configuring Deactivation Approval Matrix

Configuring Approver

Configuring Location-Wise Approvers

SUMMIT Software Center

The Assets are categorized into four Asset types:

  • Fixed Assets : The Assets purchased by an organization to use it for a long duration are defined as Fixed Assets. Fixed Assets can be further classified as IT Assets and Non-IT Assets. This needs to be taken into account while creating Asset Category under Fixed Asset type. Asset license usage is tracked based on the count of IT Assets and Non-IT Assets added in the Asset Inventory.
    • IT Assets: IT Assets are those, which have an IP address and can be discovered for IT Asset Management via either agent-based or agentless methods. Example: laptop, desktop, server, switch, router, and so on.
    • Non-IT Assets: Non-IT Assets are those, which are added in the Inventory manually and tracked. Example: machinery, furniture, electrical equipment and so on.
  • Consumable: The Assets that have to be replaced regularly in an organization as they can be spent, wasted, and dissipated are defined as Consumable. The examples for Consumable are printer cartridge, CDs, files, papers, staplers, and pens. For difference between Consumable and Accessories, see Consumable Vs. Accessories.
  • Accessories: The Assets that are used for facilitating the smooth operation of a machinery or any Fixed Asset or spare parts or components, which are faulty and need to be replaced are defined as Accessories. The examples for Accessories (smooth operation) are mouse, laptop bag, headphones, data cards, and so on. The other examples for Accessories (to be replaced) are laptop battery, laptop charger, and RAM. For difference between Consumable and Accessories, see Consumable Vs. Accessories.
  • Software: The software that are purchased and used by an organization are defined as Software Assets. The examples for Software Assets are Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio, and so on.

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