Application Control_Asset
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Enterprise IT
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Importing and Allocating Assets in Bulk
Activating or Deactivating and Moving Assets in Bulk
Verifying Asset Reconciliation
Approving Physically Verified Assets
Approving Store Wise Reconciled Assets
Approving Asset Using Maker-checker
Contract Management
Adding Contract or Agreement Details
Software Delivery
Configuring Software Delivery Schedule
Viewing Software Delivery Status
Viewing Software Uninstallation Report
Configuring Asset Management Module
Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder
Configuring My Asset List Page
Asset Masters
Configuring Location And Store
Configuring Notifications and Templates
Configuring Allocation Form Template
Configuring Field Display Order on Fixed Asset List Page
Configuring Software Baseline Profiles
Software Baseline Profile Mapping
Configuring Depreciation Formula
Configuring Depreciation Field Mapping
Configuring Custom Depreciation Formula
Configuring Custom Hardware Variance
Configuring Application Control Messages
Configure Software and Executable Execution Type
Endpoint Automation Profile Mapping
Configuring Asset Application Settings
Configuring Asset Scan Domain List
Configuring Local Password Management
Configuring E-mail Notifications
Configuring Asset Integration Details
Configuring Additional Discovery
Scheduling Asset Physical Verification
Adding Software Deployment Profile
Approval Matrix
Deactivation Approval Matrix
Configuring Deactivation Approval Matrix
Using Application Control, the Administrators can ensure that no unauthorized software is installed on any Asset on the organization’s network. Application Control allows the installation of only authorized and licensed software. This is useful to classify the applications as Whitelisted, Blacklisted, or Warning software. The applications that already exist on the Assets are initially Whitelisted by default. However, the Administrator can create multiple Profiles for Whitelisting, which can be applied to user, user groups, IPs, and locations. After a Whitelist Profile is applied to the end user machine all the software, which are not part of the Whitelist are Blacklisted.
Example: Administrators can create a default Profile that comprises applications that are default for all Asset machines and apply this Profile for all the users. Similarly, Profiles can be created and applied to VIP users.
Application Control feature is used by Administrators to configure software as White list, Blacklist, or Warning. They can create Profiles and map the Profiles to Assets. This feature enables the Asset Managers to keep a track of the software installed on Assets.
- It prevents users from installing any unwanted software, malware, virus, or any other software that may cause harm or may not be suitable for installation.
- Using Application Control, the installation of unwanted patch and OS upgrades can be also avoided.
- Application Control also restricts the users from execution of the Blacklisted software, if it is already installed.
Accessing the Feature
In the SUMMIT Application, Administrators can configure the Application Control options.
- Identify software as White list or Blacklist, see Configuring Software Blacklisting
- Create or update Profiles by User, Location, IP Sub net Range, or Tenant, see Creating/Updating Profile
- Map Profiles to Assets , see Configuring Profile Mapping
- Configure the Application Control Messages (These messages are flashed while attempting to install Blacklisted or Warning software), see Configuring Application Control Messages
- View various related reports, such as White/blacklist Software and Application Control Details.