Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI IT Operations Management (Denali)

What's New?

Now, the Analyst can view and edit all the Servers, Network Devices, Network Links, and Printers in one place. You can use the COMMON DEVICE VIEW page to view or edit Servers or Devices. You can also configure the CIRCUIT ID DETAILS such as Circuit Id, ISP Name, Commissioned Date, Decommissioned Date, PO / Work Order Number, PO Date, Managed By, and Local Contact Details of a Network device or a Link.

The following changes are made related to the Common Device View and Circuit ID details:

  • A new view is added to add or edit a new server, device, link, or printer at one page.

  • New pages named ADD/MODIFY DEVICE and ADD/MODIFY LINK are added along with the CIRCUIT ID DETAILS section.