Sending Assets to Repair
Chilukuri Srinivasa Reddy (Unlicensed)
Shilpa K (Deactivated)
Mayuresh Balaji Kamble (Unlicensed)
Importing and Allocating Assets in Bulk
Activating or Deactivating and Moving Assets in Bulk
Verifying Asset Reconciliation
Approving Physically Verified Assets
Approving Store Wise Reconciled Assets
Approving Asset Using Maker-checker
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Configuring Asset Management Module
Configuring Asset Category Using Form Builder
Configuring My Asset List Page
Asset Masters
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Configuring Allocation Form Template
Configuring Field Display Order on Fixed Asset List Page
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Software Baseline Profile Mapping
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Scheduling Asset Physical Verification
Adding Software Deployment Profile
Approval Matrix
Deactivation Approval Matrix
Configuring Deactivation Approval Matrix
You can send the Fixed Assets to the repair center for repairing or for replacement. You can view the list of Assets sent to the repair center and list of Assets returned from the repair center. The history of Asset repair is maintained.
Sending Assets for repair:
Select Asset > User > Manage Asset > Asset Inventory.
On the ASSET INVENTORY page, under the SELECT THE ASSET TYPE section, click FIXED.
On the FIXED ASSET page, the FILTERS pop-up page is displayed. Select the value for Status as In-Store, select Asset Condition as Faulty or Can be Repaired, and select the other required filter criteria. Click SUBMIT. For more information about fields and icons on the FILTERS pop-up page, see Searching Assets.
The list of Assets based filter criteria is displayed. Click the Asset ID to view the Asset details. For more information, see Viewing Asset Details.
Select the check box corresponding to the Asset you want to send for repair. You should select only one Asset at a time. On the ACTIONS panel, click SEND TO REPAIR.
Figure: FIXED ASSET pageOn the SEND TO REPAIR page, type in the required details to send the Asset to repair. For more information about the fields on the SEND TO REPAIR page, see Field Description. Based on the configuration done by the Administrator, the sending Assets for repair may or may not require approval.
Click SUBMIT. Asset details are saved and the Movement Request is sent to the configured Approver for approval.
Figure: SEND TO REPAIR page (with approval)
Click MOVE. The Asset is sent for repair.
Figure: SEND TO REPAIR page (without approval)
Field Description
The following table describes the fields on the SEND TO REPAIR page:
Field | Description |
Asset Summary | |
Tenant | Displays the Tenant of the selected Asset. |
Category | Displays the Category of the selected Asset. |
Store | Displays the Store location of the selected Asset. |
Asset Code | Displays the Asset Code for the selected Asset. |
Asset Condition | Displays the condition of the selected Asset. |
Added By | Displays the name of the user who added the Asset |
Added Date | Displays the date when the Asset is added. |
Updated By | Displays the name of the user who updated the Asset details, if updated. |
Updated Date | Displays the date when the Asset details are updated, if updated. |
Asset ID | Displays the id of the selected Asset. |
Reference Number | Type in the reference number for Asset repair. |
Vendor | Lists all the configured Vendors. Select the Vendor from the list. |
Address | Type in the address of the vendor. |
Phone Number | Type in the contact number of the vendor. |
Mobile Number | Type in the mobile number of the vendor. |
Email ID | Type in the e-mail id of the vendor. |
Sent Date | Select the date to send the Asset for repair. Click the Calendar icon to select a date. You can clear the values by clicking the Clear button. |
Return Date (Expected) | Select the expected date to return the Asset from repair. Click the Calendar icon to select the date. You can clear the values by clicking the Clear icon. |
Remarks | Type in the comments or notes about the Asset, if any. |
In Warranty | Select this check box if the Asset is in warranty period. |
Attachment | Specify any reference file path to add as an additional reference material. You can click Browse to choose an appropriate file to attach as a reference material. |
MOVEMENT DETAILS (These details are available only if the Asset is sent to repair with approval) | |
Movement ID | Displays the Movement ID. |
Movement Date | Displays the Movement date and time. |
ASSET DETAILS table | Displays the details of the Asset being sent for repair.
- To update Asset details, see Updating Asset Details.
- To allocate Assets, see Allocating Fixed Assets.
- To allocate Assets in Bulk, see Allocating Assets in Bulk.
- To send Assets for repair, see Sending Assets to Repair.
- To move Assets from one floor to another, see Moving Assets From One Floor to Another.
- To print bar code of Assets, see Printing Barcode.
- To de-activate Assets, see De-activating Assets.