Summit Elbrus SP1 Release Notes

Summit Elbrus SP1 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?

New Features and Improvements

The following sections, provide module-wise crisp summary of new features and improvements introduced in the Elbrus SP1 Release. 

Service Management

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Service Management:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

Copy Service Request

User Persona: Analyst/End User

The Copy Service Request feature is an enhancement in the existing process of Service Request creation. The copy service request feature allows users to create a new service request with the Catalog details of existing service requests.

For information about Copy Service Request, refer to Copy Service Request.

  • Helps to create multiple Service requests with same catalog. 
  • Easy to track the list of SR's created for a same catalog.
  • Enable faster creation of Service requests. 

Enhancement of Work Order - Catalog Mapping

User Persona: Administrator

This enhanced feature allows the admin to create work orders with one or more parent work orders. These defined Work orders can be created at the defined time.

For more information about enhancement of Work Order - Catalog Mapping, refer to Configuring Work Order - Catalog Mapping.

  • Parallel to series WO creation can be achieved. 
  • Controlling the creation time of the Work order helps in planning the Task execution effectively.  

Notification Template - Additional Keywords Related to Problem Management 

User Persona: Administrator

The following two new keywords are added related to Problem Management module. 

    This keyword is to notify the RCA Response Deadline. 
    This keyword is to notify RCA Resolution Deadline. 

On the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template > Select a Tenant> Select a Template Name> Click the Keywordshyperlink), you can view the list of all the keywords.  A sample screenshot is shown below:


Figure: Keywords - Popup

For more information about Notification Templates, refer to Configuring Notification Template. 

  • Enhanced user experience with additional information on notifications.


The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Platform:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

External Web Service Mapping

User Persona: Administrator

The Following features have been added to the External Web Service Mapping page as part of Integration Hub Enhancements: 

  • Multi-level API - Dynamic Bearer Token
  • Attachment handling - Multipart/form data

For information about External Web Service Mapping, refer to External Web Service Mapping.

  • Enhanced user experience with additional options for API authentication.

  • Multiple Attachment handling options. 

Project Management

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Project Management:

Feature NameFeature DescriptionFeature Benefit

SR to Project 

User Persona: Administrator

The SR to Project feature is an enhancement in the existing process of Service Request creation. The SR to Project feature allows users to create a new Project with the Catalog details of existing service requests.

For information about SR to Project, refer to SR to Project.

  • This feature provides a structured approach to handling complex or large-scale requests. 
  • It enhances Resource optimization as dedicated resources can be provided to address the requirement. 
  • The feature allows collaboration and coordination among multiple teams. 

Reporting/Dashboard requirements for ITBM

User Persona: Administrator

The Reporting/Dashboard requirements for ITBM feature of Project Management provides a complete and accurate view of the Project status. It summarizes important project metrices, updates, risks and difficulties. 

For more information about Reporting/Dashboard feature, refer to Reporting/Dashboard requirements for ITBM.

  • The feature enables data visualization making data accessible and comprehensible. 
  • Reporting/Dashboard provides data driven decision making facilitating accuracy in decisions. 
  • It enhances Transparency and Responsibility among the stakeholders. 

Adding Issues and Requirements on a Project 

User Persona: Project Manager

A new feature for adding Issues and Requirements has been introduced along with a feature enhancement of converting Risk into an Issue. 

For more information about Issues and Requirements, refer to Configure Issues and Requirements.

  • Created issues and requirements can be easily tracked which helps in bringing efficiency to drive the project. 
  • Risks can be converted to issues that provide scope for eliminating severity. 


Service Management

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the improvements added for Service Management:

Improvement NameImprovement DescriptionImprovement Benefits

Root Cause Analysis Enhancement (5 Why – Work Area) 


User Persona: Analyst

The 5 Why statement includes a description text box to provide detailed information about the corresponding 5 Why for a given Problem Statement.

The description is included in 5 Why Remediation tab as well along with Cause field. 

The Description column displays the detailed description added in the description text box. and the Cause column displays the value captured in the Why, in the PDF generated using Export to PDF action. 

For more information, refer to Creating Problem Records

  • Enhanced Customer Experience 
  • Better visibility on Why Statements.  

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