Export All to Excel feature in Discovery Dashboard

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI Platform (Denali SP3 HF02)

What's New?

EXPORT ALL TO EXCEL button is added above the filter panel of the Discovery dashboard.

Now, a new option Export All to Excel is added on the Job Details page (Discovery Dashboard)

Business Benefits

Using this option, the Analysts can export the master details into Excel format and share it with stakeholders who do not have access to SummitAI Web application. This feature can also be used to improve analytics of the data.

How it Works? 


  1. Select Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery Dashboard. The JOB DETAILS page is displayed.
  2. On the JOB DETAILS page, select the required Tenant, Proxy, and Date Range.
  3. Click Export All to Excel.

Figure: UI – filter and Export All to Excel icon.

The exported master details are displayed in the Excel sheet as shown in the following figure.

Exported Excel file

Figure: Exported Excel file.