Configuring Templates for Line E-mail Type


You can configure the e-mail content in a line format for E-mail Parsing. You can define the values using the line number and the keys that is available in the body of the e-mail.

To configure user defined keys for line e-mail type:

  1. Select Admin > Others > Mail Parser.
  2. On the NOTIFICATION PARSER page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. On the Advanced Search section, select E-mail Type as Line. The Line details are displayed. Fill in the required information (see: Field Description).

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Advanced Search section of the NOTIFICATION PARSER page:



Line Delimiter

Lists the configured line delimiter. Select the line delimiter from the list. By default, New Line option is selected. If you select Others, type in the character that has to be considered as a line delimiter in the text.

Key Delimiter

Lists the configured key delimiter. Select the key delimiter from the list. By default, Colon option is selected. If you select Others, type in the character that has to be considered as a key delimiter in the text box.

Body Line #

Type in the line number that contains the key.

  • If you configure the body line number and specify the Key name, then for that particular line, the text in that line becomes the value for the corresponding Key during the e-mail parsing.
  • If you do not specify the body line number and only type in Key name, then the application searches for the specified Key in the e-mail body content. Once the Key is found, then the text next to the first Key delimiter becomes the Value for that Key.

E-mail Template Fields

Specify a e-mail template key name. By default, you can view Subject and Body as system defined template. As per the needs of e-mail parsing, you can add more templates keys to the list.

Delete icon

Click the Delete icon to delete the User-Defined Keys.


Click the  icon to  add a new User-Defined Key.

For other sections of the NOTIFICATION PARSER page, see Configuring Notification Parser.