Export Incident and Service Request Details in PDF

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Denali SP1, Incident Management and Service Request Management)

What's New?

Using this option, the Analysts can export Incident and Service Request details to a PDF file.

How it Works? 


Select Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click an Incident ID> Click EXPORT TO PDF icon on the ACTIONS panel. The EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page displayed.

Figure: Incident Details page

On the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page, select the required sections to be displayed in the PDF. Click Export. For more information, see Exporting Incident Details in PDF.

Figure: Exported PDF

Select Request > User > Manage  Service Requests > Service Request List > Click an SR ID> Click EXPORT TO PDF icon on the ACTIONS panel. The EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page displayed.

Figure: Service Request Details page

On the EXPORT TO PDF pop-up page, select the required sections to be displayed in the PDF. Click Export. For more information, see Exporting Service Request Details in PDF.

Figure: Exported PDF


On the PDF CONTENT DESIGNER page, the Administrator should configure section-wise attributes that need to export to a PDF file. For more information, see PDF Content Designer Configuration.