Improved Search Experience

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Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Denali SP1)

What's New?

Now, the End User Dashboard search experience is enhanced with a robust search logic that enables the End Users to find the most relevant search suggestions. Also, now the Search system supports industry-standard operators such as Double Quotes, AND, OR, NOT, etc.

The users can search for a combination of keywords using basic operators (AND, OR, NOT, Quotes, Parenthesis, and Asterisk), to produce more accurate and more relevant results for their keyword searches.

Figure: End User Dashboard 

By default, all the search results are displayed under the All Tab. Click the respective tabs (Knowledge BaseIncident, and Request) to view module-wise search results. Also, the keyword on the search results is highlighted.

Figure: End User Dashboard - Knowledge Base tab

Click icon to view Search Tips pop-up page. For more information, see End User Dashboard..

Functionality of the End User Dashboard or Self Service Portal Search Box

The full-text search engine understands the user’s input, searches the entered search text or a keyword, and displays the most suitable results. On the End User Dashboard page, the user can search the intent related to Knowledge Records, Service Catalogs, and Incident Rules. The End User Dashboard search box works as follows:

 User Input

Search Logic

Knowledge Record related

The entered keyword or user input is searched in the Question, Answer, and Keywords fields of the Knowledge Records and displays the Knowledge Records that contain the maximum number of matched characters or word .

Service Catalog related

The entered keyword or user input is searched in the Catalog Name, Description, and Keywords fields of the Service Catalogs and displays the Service Catalogs that contain the maximum number of matched characters. If two or more records are having similar matched characters or word, the most used Service Catalog is displayed on the top of the list.

Incident Rule related

The entered keyword or user input is searched in the Symptom and Keywords fields of the Incident Rules and displays the Incident Rules that contain the maximum number of matched characters. If two or more records are having similar matched characters or word, the used viewed Incident Rule is displayed on the top of the list.

How to Search?

The following table describes how to use basic operators:


Use double quotes to search for an exact phrase.

Example: "Microsoft Outlook is not Working"  

AsteriskUse an asterisk at the end of the keyword to search or include all of its variations

Example: Micro*


Use parenthesis to combine other Operators for a more complex search. The keywords within the parenthesis are prioritized.

Example: Microsoft Outlook AND (2010 OR 2016)

In this case, the records which have the word "Microsoft Outlook 2010" and "Microsoft Outlook 2016" only displayed as search results.


Use AND between search keywords to get results that only include both or all your keywords.

Example: Microsoft AND Visual


Use OR between search keywords or terms that will broaden your search results by returning all possible combinations of search terms.

Example: Microsoft OR Visual


Use NOT between search keywords that will exclude the term after NOT from search.

Example: Microsoft NOT Outlook

Also, the End User can get more accurate results using the operator variation.


Search Text Format Search LogicExample
Microsoft OutlookThe database considers the search text as Microsoft or Outlook and returns the records that contain Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft, or Outlook.

"Microsoft" AND "Outlook"

The database considers the search text as Microsoft and Outlook and returns the records that contain Microsoft and Outlook.

"Microsoft" OR "Outlook"The database considers the search text as Microsoft or Outlook and returns the records that contain Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft, or Outlook.

Microsoft "Visual"The database considers the search text Visual as mandatory keyword and Microsoft as optional keyword, and returns the records that contain Visual, and Microsoft Visual 


  • The new search functionality is also implemented in the Symptom field on the New Incident page (Incident > User > New Incident). The End User can use the operators and above formats to search the Incident rules, see screenshots. For more information, see Configuring Rules.

     See Screenshot

    New Incident page
    Figure: New Incident page

    Figure: New Incident page

  • The new search text highlighting feature is also implemented in the Global Search. For more information, see Global Search.

    Global Search
    Figure: Global Search


The AND operator checks for keywords present before and after the operator in the following fields of the record. If any of the following fields contain both keywords, then those records are displayed in search suggestions.

The NOT operator checks for excluding keywords in the following fields of the record. If any of the following fields that not contain the excluding keywords, then those records are displayed in search suggestions.

Knowledge Article

  • Question
  • Answer
  • Keywords

Service catalog

  • Catalog Name
  • Description
  • Keywords

Incident Rule

  • Symptom 
  • Keywords