SummitAI Denali SP1 HF10 Release Notes

SummitAI Denali SP1 HF10 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?

The SUMMITAI Release Notes Denali SP1 HF10 provides improvement details, customer fixed issues, and known issues in the current release. Many of these improvements are incorporated based on customer feedback and inputs. We thank you for your valuable feedback and time.

Security Considerations

Security Enhancements implemented to ensure data security and integrity.


  • IM/SR details page-user communication & end-user dashboard displayed GEN-Attachment error (403 status) in browser network tab (developer console). To fix this issue, copy noImageAvailable.png” from this location ~/Webfiles/Images/noImageAvailable.png Add the image in the userprofileimage-attachments folder (dynamically created inside the Application/Attachment directory)
  • To fix the performance tuning issue for SM, SLA Re-calculation for IM and SR, add the following key in the Web.config file.
    <add key="SLAReCalculate" value="false"/>


SummitAI Service Management

Available Column list enhancement - Service Request LIST Page

Now, Catalog option will be available under list of Available Columns in Configure Columns section.

  1. Navigate to RequestUser > Manage Service Requests > Service Request List.
  2. Click on Configure Column section on Service Request List page.
  3. Catalog option is available under the list.

Auto-fill Control of Configuration Item

Earlier, the Configuration Item field was displayed as a drop-down on the NEW INCIDENT page, and all the associated CIs were listed in the drop-down list. This was slowing down the incident logging process. As a part of enhancement, now the control of the Configuration Item field is changed from the drop-down to autofill. It enables the user to type and search the CI name and helps in optimizing the Application performance.

Figure: New Incident Page


  1. Make sure Configuration Item check box is enabled on the Log Incident Page (Incident Configuration > Incident Masters).

We have fixed few customer reported issues in this release. For information about the bug fixes in this release, see Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues. 


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