Improved Communication History for Incident and Service Request Management

Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI IT Service Management (Denali SP3, Incident Management and Service Request Management)

What's New?

In the new COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up (Incident/ Request > User > Manage Incidents/Manage Service Requests > Incident List/Service Request List > Click an Incident ID/SR ID > Click  (COMMUNICATION HISTORY) icon on the ACTIONS panel), the Analyst can view the different types of communications, such as User CommunicationPrivate LogSystem Generated E-MailsChat HistoryMails sent via Send E-Mail, and Approval Information

Figure: Incident Details page: COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up

Also, by selecting a particular communication type check box, the Analyst can view the complete transaction (history).


Select the Chat History check box. Displays all the conversation happened between the Analyst and End User as shown below.


The Approval Information check box displayed only in the Service Request COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up. Select Approval Information check box to view the approval details of the Service Request.

Click  icon to expand selected line item as shown below. In expand view, the Analyst can view the approval details of the Service Request i.e. who approved the SR, Approver Level, preview of remarks only (around 50 characters) and time stamp.

Figure: Service Request Details page: COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up


  • Provides flexibility to view the history of various communications in one place.
  • Provides option to search the required information.
  • Provides option to view category wise communication history.
  • Provides option to sort the line items.

UI Changes


By default, the line items in the COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up (Section 4) always displayed in Descending order (latest/newest on top). 

Section 1 - Incident/ Service Request Details

This section includes the Incident/ Service Request Details such as:

  • Incident ID/ Service Request ID
  • Incident/ Service Request Caller Name
  • Incident/ Service Request  Logged Time 

Section 2 - Filters

This section includes the various filter options such as:

  • ALL
  • User Communication
  • Private Log
  • System Generated E-Mails
  • Chat History
  • Mails sent via Send E-Mail 
  • Approval Information


  • Whenever the Analyst opens the communication history, the All check box is pre-selected. If the All check box is selected, it won’t allow the Analyst to select other checkboxes.
  • Whenever the Analyst opens the communication history, the All check box is pre-selected, and line items in section 4 (Content Display Area) are displayed in Collapsed.
  • Whenever the Analyst opens the communication history, all line items in section 4 (Content Display Area) are displayed in Descending order (Newest to Oldest).

Section 3 - Actions

This section includes various actions such as:

  • Search Communication History textbox
    You can search for any keywords using this option. The entered keywords are searched in all the sections (User Communication, Private Log, System Generated E-Mails, Chat History, Mails sent via "Send E-Mail", and Approval Information) and display the communications which have these keywords. For more information, see Viewing and Updating Incident Details and Viewing Updating Service Request Details.

  • Sort 

    (Ascending)- Click this icon to view all the line items in section 4 (Content Display Area) in Ascending order.

     (Descending)-  Click this icon to view all the line items in section 4 (Content Display Area) in Descending order.

  • Expand All/Collapse All

     (Expand All) icon - Click this icon to expand all the line items in section 4 (Content Display Area).


    Click More to view the complete email as shown below.

     (Collapse All) icon - Click this icon to collapse all the line items that are expanded in section 4 (Content Display Area).

Section 4 -Content Display Area

  • Attachments

    To view attachments, click the Expand icon. Once the line items expanded, the Analyst can see the email Body and Attachments. Click the attachment name to view the attachment in new tab.