Disabling the CMDB Standard Classification
What's New?
Now, the Administrators can disable the four system defined Standard Classifications such as Server, Network, Desktop, and Others. By default, these four classifications are available in the Application. Using this feature the Administrators can disable any of the default classification that does not have any CIs linked. You cannot disable the classification that has CIs. You can only view the CIs that are linked with the standard classification.
- Administrators: can configure, activate, or in-activate the Classification.
Disabling the Standard Classification
- Click CMDB > Configuration > Classification.
- On the CLASSIFICATION page, select the Tenant. A list of all the configured Classifications for the selected Tenant is displayed under the DETAILS section.
Right-click on any of the configured Classifications, a pop-up list is displayed with the options: Create Root Node, Create Child Note, and Inactive.
Inactive option is now available for the standard classifications such as Desktop, Server, Network, and Others.
Click SUBMIT to save the changes.
If there are active Configuration Items under the Standard Classification, you cannot deactivate the selected Classification. You can click OK to view the Configuration Items under the selected Standard Classification.
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