Availability Status Enhancements
What's New?
To ease the user experience, the Availability Status feature is now available as a menu option in the Profile icon.
Earlier, this option was available in the MY PROFILE page. Now, by moving this option under the Profile, it enables you to easily change your availability status.
The following options are available for you to change your availability status:
- Available: You can set this when you’re active in SummitAI and don’t have anything in your calendar (no meetings or calls, for example).
- Busy: You can set this when you want to focus on something and don't want to engage in other activities.
- Do not disturb: You can set this when you want to focus on something that is important.
- Away: You can set this when you are away from your workstation.
- When a desired status is selected, if Analyst logs out from the application the status automatically changes to offline. For example, if the desired status is Busy after logging out from the application the status changes to Offline.
- When logging back to the application the previously selected status is retained as the current status of the Analyst. For example, if the previous status is Do not disturb when you login the status will remain as Do not disturb.
If Set Away Time ends, then the status automatically changes to the previous status that was set by the user. Same applies even if the User logs off, browser closes abruptly, or session timeout.
- Whenever Analyst changes their status in the current tab, status change will reflect only in the current tab, and it doesn't get reflected for other tabs until the page gets refreshed in that tab.
Also, you can provide your away time using the Clock icon next to Away option and specify your away time in HH:MM in the SET AWAY TIME pop-up.
Business Benefits
Following are the business benefits of the Availability Status feature:
- Reduces time consumption in updating your availability status.
- Provides accurate visibility of your profile status to your users.
- Provides flexibility with multiple availability status options.
- Improved user experience by enhancing and providing more availability status options.
UI Changes
Now, the Availability Status feature is available under the Profile icon to change your availability status. For more information see, Viewing and Updating Your Profile Details.
Figure: My Profile: Availability Status
You can set your away time in the SET AWAY TIME pop-up window.
Figure: SET AWAY TIME pop-up
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