Asset Allocation History by User Report

The Asset Allocation History by User Report displays the Asset allocation details to the specified user. You can view the allocation details such as Asset ID, Asset Code, Serial Number , Host Name, Category, Store Location, Asset Store, Floor Location, Asset Floor, Allocation Date, and so on. To view the report, specify the filter criteria on the FILTERS pop-up page and click SUBMIT. Admin or Analyst can access the report based on access privileges assigned through roles. 

 Additional Information

The Asset Allocation History by User Report lists all assets that are allocated based on User names and precise Asset locations like the allocated Asser User's Working Project, their cubicle in the office premises and so on. Analysts or Admins can easily track and analyze asset allocation over a period of time. Asset Allocations in the recent past and possible reasons for the same.

For information about reports, see Viewing Reports.

Steps to access Asset Allocation History by User Report

1.Navigate to Reports Asset Management > Asset Allocation History by User Report.

2.Click Filters on the Action panel to specify the filter criteria for generating the report. The criteria FILTERS pop-up appears.

Figure: FILTERS pop-up 

3. Enter or select the values for Filter fields as described in the following table. 




Tenant is similar to department in an organization, example : Operations, IT. Select the Tenant name from the list. This is a mandatory field. For more information, see Configuring Tenants


Registered User names existing in application is displayed here. Enter the User Name and click to search.

The following pop-up is displayed on the screen to Select the User from the list.


Figure: User Search Results

Emp. IDDisplays Employee ID of the User to which report can be generated.
NameDisplays Employee Name. Selecting User is mandatory.
Email IDEmail ID of the employee
CustomerCustomer Name 
LocationLocation of the Customer office. Example: Bangalore, Seattle.

4.Click SUBMIT.

The Asset Allocation History by User Report is displayed.


5. You can further drill-down on the Asset or CI to know more details by clicking the respective Asset ID hyperlink.

For more information on Asset details, see Asset details.

Few of the fields that are present in the report are explained in the following table. 

Serial NumberUnique Alphanumeric number
Host NameUnique Alphanumeric number associated with Asset.
Allocate ToDisplays if an asset is allocated to a single user or Multiple users.
Allocation DateThe date on which the Asset was allocated to user / users.
Allocation typeThe type of allocation can be Permanent or Temporary.
Return DateDisplays the date on which the Asset was returned to the store.
Return RemarksDisplays the remarks entered at the time of Asset return. Example: User reported issue, Asset received in good condition.

Click the Refresh Report to fetch latest details for the report. Any changes performed after the Reports page was loaded, will reflect if you click on Refresh Report


You can perform the following actions from the ACTIONS  panel of the Asset Allocation History by User Report page. 




Prints the displayed report records. 


Exports the displayed records on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.