JWT Authentication in Reporting API
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In the Reporting API, we have introduced JWT (JSON Web Tokens) based authentication to reduce the risk of security breaches. To authenticate using JWTs, you must enable the following key in web.config. If the key is set as ‘False’ then it authenticates based on the API key. The JWT configuration setting consists of secret key which cannot be changed and expiry key (in mins) which you can set based on the requirement.
Key: <add key=” JWT: EnableToken” value= “True”/>
We have introduced two new APIs:
Generate Token
The Generate Token API enables you to generate authentication tokens used to provide secure path to access restricted applications. This API does not have payload, you must enter the following required details to generate the API token.
- Type
- Key
- Value
To generate JWT token API, perform the following steps:
- Open the Postman application (you can use any application to get API response).
- Select HTTP Method as GET.
Click Authorization tab and enter the following details as described in the following table.
The Postman details screen is displayed.
Figure: Postman – DetailsField
Select the API Key from the list.
Key the APIKEY into the text box.
Enter the standard API key from Summit application
Add to
Select Header from the list.
- Click Send.
The generated token is displayed with expiry timestamp in seconds.
Figure: Generate Token
Validate Token
The Validate Token API enables you to validate the generated authentication token. It is used to verify the authenticated token and provide a reliable and secure authentication validation.
Enter the following required details to validate token:
- Type
- Token
The token is validated with message in response as Valid.
To validate JWT token API, perform the following steps:
- Open the Postman application (you can use any application to get API response).
- Select HTTP Method as GET.
Click Authorization tab and enter the following details as described in the following table.
The Postman details screen is displayed.
Figure: Postman - DetailsField
Select the Bearer Token from the list.
Enter the generated token from the GenerateToken API.
- Click Send.
A message is displayed if the validate token is valid or not.
Note: In the existing getdnSchema API authentication process is changed.
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