
Read Complete Release Notes

Feature released in SummitAI IT Service Management (Service Request Management Incident Management, Change Request Management, and Problem Management, Tahoe)

What's New?

Tags are the labels that you can create and/or link with the records. Tags can be of various types such as visible to a single user (Myself), visible only to specific groups or users (Specific Workgroup), or visible to any user (global) of the configured Tenant. This enables the Analyst to categorize the records based on the tags which in turn allows him to manage all the transactional activities in quick and organized manner.

The Tag is introduced in the following sections:

  • Under the Classification section of the General tab on the Service Request, Problem Record, Change Request and Incident Details pages. This is intended to the Analyst to create and use the tag while working on the respective ticket. For more information, see Details page of ticket.

Figure: Details page

  • A new page ADD TAG (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tagging) is added. This page is mainly intended to the Administrator who does not have the Analyst access. All such Administrators can add/update tags based on their requirements. For more information, see Adding Tag.

    Figure: Add Tag

    Analyst can filter Incident, Service Request, Change Request, or Problem Records on the respective list page based on the Tag selection.

    Figure: Filters