Asset Usage Type Details on List Pages

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Feature released in SummitAI IT Service Management (Asset Management, Tahoe)

What's New?

Now, a new criterion Asset Usage Type is added in the Search By drop-down list of the FILTERS pop-up. This criterion is displayed in the drop-down list for the Allocated assets only. Post selection of Asset Usage Type, select a attribute in the Search Value field to narrow down the records based on the usage type.

Also, a new column Asset Usage Type is displayed on the Asset List page. The user can view the asset usage information on the list page without navigating to the Asset Details page. This enhancement is done on the following List pages and its relevant FILTERS pop-ups:

  • FIXED ASSET list page and its FILTERS pop-up
  • CONSUMABLES asset list page and its FILTERS pop-up
  • ACCESSORIES asset list page and its FILTERS pop-up

    Figure: Asset Usage Type column

    Figure: Search By - Asset Usage Type option


    Make sure that the Enable Asset Usage Type check box is selected on the APPLICATION SETTINGS BY TENANT page.

    For more information on the Asset Usage Type, see Configuring Asset Usage Type.