Viewing Patch List_AM

Viewing Patch List_AM

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SUMMIT Software Center

The SUMMIT MS Patch Repository is maintained on the cloud, which maintains a list of all the MS Patches that are available for installation. A job is scheduled to download the Patch list from the cloud to the On-Cloud SUMMIT Tenant or On-Premise SUMMIT Tenant. You can view the Patches available as per the specified filter criteria and approve/ dis-approve them for specific Asset Groups for deployment/ uninstallation.

To view the Patch list:

  1. Select Asset > Configuration > Patch Management > Patch.

  2. On the PATCH page, click the Filters icon and provide a filter criteria to display the list of Patches. For more information about fields on the FILTERS pop-up page, see Filters.

  3. The list of Patches based on the selected filter criteria is displayed.

    PATCH pageFigure: PATCH page

 Viewing Patch Information

Click a Patch name hyperlink to view details about the Patch. The PATCH INFORMATION page is displayed. It also lists the all the machines where these patches are applicable and deployment status.

Figure: PATCH INFORMATION page: Unapproved Patch

The following table describes the fields on the PATCH DETAILS page:





Displays the KBID of the Patch.


Displays the title of the Patch.


Displays the description of the Patch.


Displays the Tenant for the Patch.


Displays the Category of the Patch.


Displays the Patch type.


Displays the status of the Patch.

Security Bulletin

Displays the Security Bulletin Number provided by the Software Provider for the Patch.

Approved Date

Displays the approval date and time of the Patch. This field is displayed only for the approved Patches.

Scheduled On

Displays the date when the Patch is scheduled to be installed. This field is displayed only for the approved Patches.

Download Information (Proxy)

Displays the proxy list where the patch file is downloaded. This field is displayed only for the approved Patches.

Release Date

Displays the date when the Patch is released.


Displays the superseding and superseded patches. Superseding is something dependent for this patch to be deployed. Superseded are the outdated patch list and can be ignored. Selected Patches are bundled with the superseded patch list.

Click the info icon for quick details.


Displays the list of Assets and the Patch status.

Sl. No

Displays the serial number in the list of Assets.

Asset ID

Displays the Asset ID of the Asset.


Displays the Asset Group of the Asset.

Host Name

Displays the host name for the Asset.

Serial No.

Displays the serial no. of the Asset.


Displays the model of the Asset.


Displays the Asset Category.


Displays the location of the Asset.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the Asset.


If the patch is deployed on the target machine, it displays the value as True and False, when the Patch is not deployed on the Asset. This patch deployment may happen from summit tool or manual installation.

Deployed On

Displays the date and time when the Patch was deployed on the Asset.


Displays the approval status of the Patch.

  • False: The Patch is not approved.
  • True: The Patch is approved.

Last Contacted

Displays the last contacted date and time of the Assets by the Asset Agents.

OS Caption

Displays the operating system details of the Assets where the Patch are installed.

Pending Reboot

Displays if the Asset is required after the Patch is installed.

  • False: The Asset reboot is not required after the Patch is installed.
  • True: The Asset is pending for reboot after the Patch is installed or new patches for installation.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the PATCH INFORMATION page.


Click Filters to specify the search criteria and click SUBMIT to display the list of Assets.

FILTERS pop-up page
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page


Click APPROVE to approve the selected Patch. For more information on how to approve a Patch, see APPROVE.


Click SHOW LIST to display the list of Patches on the PATCH page.


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the record displayed on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.


Click EXPORT ALL to export all the records to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the PATCH page:




Sl. No.

Displays the serial number in the Patch list.


Displays the KB ID of the Patch. You can click the "i" icon to view the Patch ID, patch file name, and size of the patch file.

PATCH Details pop-up page
Figure: PATCH Details pop-up page


Displays the Patch name.


Displays the classification of the Patch.


Displays if the Patch is approved or not.

Release Date

Displays the date when the Patch is released.

Security Bulletin

Displays the Security Bulletin Numbers provided by the Software Providers for the Patches.

Approved Date

Displays the date and time when the Patch is approved.

Scheduled On

Displays the date and time when the Patch is scheduled to be deployed.


Displays the number of assets where these patches are deployed.

Not Deployed

Displays the number of Patches not yet deployed.

Displays the number of assets where these patches are yet to be deployed.


Displays the total number of Patches for the specific Patch.

Displays the total number of assets (patch deployed and not deployed).


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the PATCHES page.


Click Filters to specify the search criteria and click SUBMIT to display the list of Patches.

FILTERS pop-up page
Figure: FILTERS pop-up page 

The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS pop-up page:




Select the Tenant for which you want to view the Patches.

Software Category

Select the Software Category for which you want to view the Patches.

Update Type

Select the type of Update (Definition Updates, Service Packs, Upgrades, etc.) for which you want to view the Patches.


Select the status of the Patches that you want to view: All, Approved, Not Approved.

Release Date

Select a range of Patch release dates to view the Patches released within the dates.

Approved Date

Select a range of dates to view the Patches that are approved within the dates.

Scheduled On

Select a range of dates to view the Patches that are scheduled to be installed.

Security Bulletin

Specify the Security Bulletin to view the Patches.


Provide the complete KB ID of the Patch that you want to view.


  1. Click the filter icon and select the value from the drop-down list to view a set of assets.
    • Assets with Missing Patches: If selected, a list of assets with missing patches is displayed under the ASSET GROUPS section.
    • Assets with Approved Patches: If selected, a list of assets with approved patches is displayed under the ASSET GROUPS section.
    • All Applicable Assets: If selected, a list of assets is displayed, where the patches are applicable.
    • All Assets: If selected, all the assets are displayed.
  2. Select the Patches that you want to approve or disapprove from the list.
  3. Click the APPROVE icon on the ACTIONS panel.
  4. Schedule the job to install the Patches.
  5. Select the Asset Groups for which the Patches should be approved or disapproved.
  6. Click APPROVE to approve the selected Patches for the selected Asset Groups.


    If you want to disapprove the selected patches that stop the deployment of the patches, click DISAPPROVE. It does not rollback the installed patches from assets.


The following table describes the fields on the APPROVE PATCHES page:




Displays the superseding and superseded patches. Superseding is something dependent for this patch to be deployed. Superseded are the outdated patch list and can be ignored. Selected Patches are bundled with the superseded patch list.

Figure: PATCH DEPENDENCY pop-up page


Displays the KBID of the Patch.


Displays the Patch name.


Displays a description about the Patch. For more details about the Patch, click the More icon.


Displays the Category of the Patch.


Displays the Classification of the Patch.

Release Date

Displays the date of release of the Patch.


Date and Time

Select Now to run the job immediately to install/uninstall the Patch on the selected Asset Group. If you select Later, specify the date and time when the job should run to install/uninstall the Patch on the selected Asset Group.

Maximum Installation Retry Count

Specify the number of times the job should retry to install the Patches on the Assets in case of installation failure.


Select the Asset Groups for which the Patch installation should be approved.


Click EXPORT TO EXCEL to export the record displayed on the page to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

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