Summit AI Channel UserAuthentication API

You can get Customer, Location, Timezone, Role Template and Custom attribute information from the Master Data while creating a new User list. The Data from the Master type are comma separated.

Master Type is a unique feature in the Summit application that allows the Administrators to set most commonly used label names and drop-down values across all the modules

Service Name

HTTP Method



Sample Request

Below is the sample request to get Master Data to create new User list.

Request payload:


    "ServiceName": "ADM_GetUserMasterData",

    "objCommonParameters": {

        "_ProxyDetails": {

            "APIKey": "P9DYAvNptCmTgmVLTllwuIUfAJGk83TiSftXIYR/fkQ=",

            "AuthType": "APIKEY",

            "ProxyID": 0,

            "ReturnType": "JSON",

            "orgid": 1








    "Errors": "",

    "Message": null,

    "Output": "",

    "TokenID": null,

    "OrgID": 0,

    "OutputObject": {

        "UserMasterData": {

            "customer": [


                    "CM_ID": 872,

                    "CM_VALUE": "SUMMIT",

                    "CM_Type": "Customer"



                    "CM_ID": 2888,

                    "CM_VALUE": "XXXXX",

                    "CM_Type": "Customer"



            "location": [


                    "CM_ID": 1,

                    "CM_VALUE": "US(srv)",

                    "CM_Type": "Location"



                    "CM_ID": 2889,

                    "CM_VALUE": "bangalore",

                    "CM_Type": "Location"



            "timezone": [


                    "ID": 69,

                    "TimeZone": "(UTC - 01:00) AZOT - Azores Time"



                    "ID": 70,

                    "TimeZone": "(UTC - 01:00) CVT - Cape Verde Time"



            "roletemplate": [


                    "TemplateID": 1,

                    "Template_Name": "General Admin"



                    "TemplateID": 2,

                    "Template_Name": "Super Admin"



            "customattributedata": [


                    "Attributename": "manual chk",

                    "AttriId": 38,

                    "Clistid": 3,

                    "Clistvalue": "A"



                    "Attributename": "manual chk",

                    "AttriId": 38,

                    "Clistid": 4,

                    "Clistvalue": "B"



            "customattributefield": [


                    "AttributeId": 64,

                    "AttributeName": "User DD",

                    "GroupID": 12,

                    "GroupName": "TEST Group",

                    "IsMultivalued": false,

                    "TabName": "General Tab"



                    "AttributeId": 65,

                    "AttributeName": "AccessDate",

                    "GroupID": 12,

                    "GroupName": "TEST Group",

                    "IsMultivalued": false,

                    "TabName": "General Tab"



            "customattributelistdata": [


                    "ADM_CtmAttribute_Name": "Untitled1",

                    "ADM_CtmGroup_Name": "Default Group",

                    "AttributeListID": 1,

                    "GroupID": 1,

                    "AttributeID": 20,

                    "ListValue": "p1",

                    "ParentID": 0,

                    "ParentName": null,

                    "IsDefault": false



                    "ADM_CtmAttribute_Name": "Untitled1",

                    "ADM_CtmGroup_Name": "Default Group",

                    "AttributeListID": 2,

                    "GroupID": 1,

                    "AttributeID": 20,

                    "ListValue": "p2",

                    "ParentID": 0,

                    "ParentName": null,

                    "IsDefault": false




