Search feature in Tenant

Search feature has been implemented in the Tenant field for all the modules.

The below modules have the search feature enabled in the Tenant.

  1. Incident Module
  2. Change Module
  3. Knowledge Module
  4. CMDB Module

Incident Module

Search feature has been implemented in the tenant field while creating a new ticket for user.

To navigate to create new incident, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Incident > New Incident for user > Tenant.

    Figure: New Incident for user

Change Module

Search feature has been implemented in the tenant field while creating a new change record.

To navigate to create new change record, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > User > New change record.

    Figure: New change record

Knowledge Module

Search feature has been implemented in the tenant field while creating a new knowledge record.

To navigate to create new knowledge record, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge > User > New Knowledge record.

    Figure: New knowledge record

CMDB Module

Search feature has been implemented in the tenant field while creating a new configuration item.

To navigate to create new configuration item, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to CMDB > Manage Configuration Items > New Configuration Item.

    Figure: New configuration item