Configure Notification Template for Admin Module 1

Configure Notification Template for Admin Module 1


You can view or modify the Notification Templates for the various modules of the Summit application. The Analysts use these Notification Templates to send various types of e-mail communication to the End Users. The Notification Templates ensure that e-mails are sent to the End Users in a particular format and no information is missed out. This also saves the Analysts' time in typing in the e-mail communications. 

You can perform the following actions in Notification Template: 

Configure Notification Template in Global Tenant 

To configure Notification Template in Global Tenant, perform the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template. 
  2. On the Notification Template page, select the Global Tenant. From the drop down select the module for which the Notification should be setup.  

    Figure: Notification Template
  3. From the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW to configure a Notification Template. Enter all the details. To know more about field, see Field Description.

    Figure: Details of Notification Template

  4. Click SUBMIT to save the configuration.

Configure Groups in Global Tenant

You can use Configure Groups to view, configure and edit the Groups in Global Tenant. The groups configured in Global Tenant and automatically inherited to all the Local Tenants.

To Configure Groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
  2. On the Notification Template page, select the Global Tenant. From the drop down select the module for which the Notification should be setup. To know more about field, see Field Description.
  3. From the ACTIONS panel, click CONFIGURE GROUPS.

    Figure: Configure Groups

  4. The list of Configured Groups is displayed. Click ADD to configure a new group.

    Figure: Configure new group

  5. Enter the Group name, click Active and click SUBMIT to save the new group.

    Figure: Details for Configure Group

View Notification Template in Global Tenant 

To view Notification Template in Global Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
  2. On the Notification Template page, select the Global Tenant. From the drop down select the module to see the list of Notifications configured.

    Figure: List of Notification Template in Global Tenant

    • In General tab, all the Notification Templates for the Global Tenant are displayed.
    • The COMMUNICATION tab is displayed only if you select Incident Management or Service Request or Work Order module.
  3. Under Template Name, click any template to view the details. 

    Figure: Details of Notification Template in Global Tenant



  • To Search for a specific notification Template, type in the required text in the Search
  • To Preview the notification templates, click the icon in the Preview the Notification Template pop-up page is displayed.

Configure Notification Template in Local Tenant 

To configure Notification Template in Local Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
  2. On the Notification Template page, select any Local Tenant. From the drop down select the module for which the Notification should be setup. To know about the field, see Field Description.  

    Figure: Notification Template

  3. From the ACTIONS panel, click ADD NEW to configure a Notification Template. 

    Figure: Details of Notification Template

Configure Groups in Local Tenant

You can use Configure Groups to view, configure and edit the Groups in Local Tenant. The groups configured in Global Tenant and automatically inherited to all the Local Tenants.

To Configure Groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
  2. On the Notification Template page, select the Local Tenant. From the drop down select the module for which the Notification should be setup.
  3. From the ACTIONS panel, click CONFIGURE GROUPS.

    Figure: Configure Groups in Local Tenant
  4. The list of Configured Groups is displayed. Click ADD to configure a new group.

    Figure: Configure new group

  5. Enter the Group name, click Active and click SUBMIT to save the new group.

    Figure: Details for Configure Group

View Notification Template in Local Tenant 

To view Notification Template in Local Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
  2. On the Notification Template page, select the Local Tenant. From the drop down select the module to see the list of Notifications configured.

    Figure: List of Notification Template in Local Tenant

  3. Under Template Name, click any template to view the details.

    Figure: Details of Notification Template in Local Tenant

Delink the Notification Template in Local Tenant 

De-link option available in the ACTIONS Panel can be used when a Global configuration in a Local Tenant needs to be converted to a Local configuration and made editable.

To De-link the Notification Template in Local Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Notification Template.
  2. On the Notification Template page, select the Local Tenant. From the drop down select the module to see the list of Notifications configured.

    Figure: List of Notification Template in Local Tenant

  3. Click the template to be delinked, under the ACTIONS Panel click De-link. A global configuration value can be converted to a local tenant value by De-linking. The system will display a tooltip before clicking on SUBMIT to de-link the value.

    Figure: De-link Notification Template in Local Tenant

  4. Once the value is De-Linked from the Global Tenant to Local Tenant, in the SHOW LIST page the value is represented by De-link icon.

    Figure: Notification Template with De-link icon

Field Description 

The following table describes the fields on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page:




Module Name

Select the module name from the list.

Template Type

Displays the template type for the Incident Management and Service Request modules.


Lists the configured groups for a particular Tenant. Select the appropriate group from the drop-down list.

Template Name

Type in the Notification Template name.


Select a language in which you want to create the notification template. If the same notification template is already available in the selected language, then that template is updated else a new template is created.

Note: The static fields (Module Name, Template Type, Template Name, and Group) and predefined *keywords* cannot be converted into the other language. The default language for these elements is English.

Mail Body

Specify the contents of the email

Enable for Push Notification

  • If selected, this Notification Template is included in the push notifications.

Show HTML/ Show Editor

  • Click Show HTML to view the mail template in HTML format. If Editor view is selected, Show HTML option is available.
  • Click Show Editor to view the mail template in the Editor. If HTML view is selected, Show Editor option is available.


Click the Keyword hyperlink to view the list of configured keywords that are used to create the mail template. Below is the screenshot for Keywords:

Figure: KEYWORDS pop-up page

  • Phrase: It lists the HTML tags that are used to replace and customize the pre-defined e-mail template.
  • Description: It is the description for the phrases.

Bold icon

Click the icon to bold the text.


Click the icon to change the text to italics.


Click the icon to underline the text.

Left Align

Click the icon to align the text to left.

Centre Align

Click the icon to align the text to centre.

Right Align

Click the icon to align the text to right.

Insert Ordered List

Click the icon to insert numbering format to the text.

Insert Unordered List

Click the icon to insert bullet format to the text.

Font Size

Select the font size for the text from the list.

Font Family

Select the font family for the text from the list.

Add Link

Click the icon to add hyperlink.

Remove Link

Click the icon to remove the hyperlink.

Change Text Color

Click the icon to select a color to the font.


  • To Search for a specific notification Template, type in the required text in the Search
  • To Preview the notification templates, click icon in the Preview the Notification Template pop-up page is displayed.
  • Notification templates created in the Global Tenant are automatically inherited to all Local Tenants and represented by a Grey Globe Icon.
  • When you hover over the De-link Icon, system will display a tool tip as “Global Configuration – Delinked”.
  • A Global value once Delinked cannot be Re-linked.

Icon Description 




Grey Globe Icon

Global Configuration 

The Grey Globe Icon represents a value that is a Global Configuration. The Global tenant is configured and available for all the child (local) tenants. 

Blue Globe Icon  

Global Configuration – Modified Locally 

Blue Globe Icon represents a Global Tenant Configuration locally modified in the local tenant. 


Global Configuration – Delinked. 

A Global Configuration can be delinked and converted to a Local Configuration, 

when there is a need to modify the configuration at the Local Tenant level. 

System will display tooltip as ‘Delink global value to make it a Local value.’ 

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