Lead Period Configuration

What is Lead Period?

Lead Period is the configured time that must be maintained between the CR Log Time and Planned Start Time. The Lead Period can be configured for each Change Type. When a Lead Period is configured and CR is created for that Change Type, the Planned Start Time must be more than the Lead Period. The Lead Period can be configured only in Local Tenant.  

You can perform the following actions in Lead Period.  

Enable Lead Period for Auto Created CRs 

A new option to define lead period for automated Change records is introduced at the Change management Module under Local tenant  

This option helps the system to calculate the Planned Start Time of the CR based on the configured Lead Period. 

To configure the option “Define lead period for automated change record” for Change Module, perform the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to Admin > Infrastructure > Tenant. Select the Local tenant from the list for which the option needs to be enabled.  


    Figure: Change Management Tenant

  3. Enable the option “Define Lead Period for automated Change Records”. The system displays a message below stating “If enabled lead period can be configured for automated CRs in the Lead Period configuration page”.

  4. After the option is enabled, navigate to Change > Configuration > Lead Period. Select the Tenant for which the option is enabled.

  5. A new option “Lead Period for Auto Created CRs” is visible and editable.

    Figure: Lead Period for Auto Created CR

Configure Lead Period in Local Tenant 

To configure Lead Period for Change Module in Local Tenant, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > Configurations > Lead Period.

  2. Select the Local Tenant. Under ACTION Panel click ADD NEW.

    Figure: Lead Period configuration

  3. Select the Change Type, Risk and Lead Period. Select the Active check box to make the Lead Period configuration active. Click SUBMIT to save the configuration.

    Figure: Lead Period details page

Field Description




Change Type

Select the configured change types


Indicates the Risk factor in Implementing a CR.

Risk can be selected as All, High, Medium, or Low.

Lead Period for Auto created CRs

Applicable only for Auto created CRs.

Separate Lead Period can be configured in the Local Tenant for Auto created CRs.

Lead Period for Manually created CRs

Applicable only for Manually created CR.


This value indicates the status of the Lead Period

  • If selected, the Lead Period becomes an available option on the other pages of the application.
  • If not selected, the Lead Period becomes an inactive value.



This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the LEAD PERIOD page.

Click SHOW LIST to display the list of all configured Lead Period for a Tenant.

Figure: Show list for Lead Period


  • If the Lead Period is configured for the specific Local tenant and a CR gets auto created, the Planned Start Time for the CR will be addition of Log Time and Lead Period.
  • If the Lead Period is not configured for specific Local tenant and a CR gets auto created, the Planned Start Time for the CR will be Log Time plus one (1) minute.
  • The Planned Start time can be manually updated by the analyst at any point of time. If Planned start time is updated manually, the system will check if the configured Lead Period conditions are met.
  • If the Planned Start is not updated for the CR, the system will check the configured Lead Period and update it automatically.
  • The above configurations are applicable for Normal and Standard Changes