ACustomer Fixed Issues and Known Issues


Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues

Customer Fixed Issues

This section describes the issues reported by the customers and their fixes in the release, Alps.

18882The COPY INCIDENT option on the INCIDENT ID page (Incident> User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Click an Incident ID > Click COPY INCIDENT on the ACTIONS panel), was not copying the attachments from the GENERAL and COMMUNICATION tabs.

Now, the COPY INCIDENT option is copying the attachments from both GENERAL and COMMUNICATION tabs.

In addition, the Analyst can ignore the copied attachments by selecting the IGNORE check box.

Wrong attachment(s) was sent along with the push report. This issue was observed when more jobs were scheduled at the same time for the different domains.

Now, correct attachments are sent with push report. 


Earlier, while logging an Incident, for the selected Workgroup and Category, the configured Customer SLA Matrix configured on the CUSTOMER SLA MATRIX page (Admin > Basic > Customers > Customer/Vendor SLA Matrix) was not applied, instead of that the default Customer SLA Matrix was applied. This issue was observed when the selected Workgroup and Category configuration combination was inactive, and all Priorities were not configured in the Customer SLA Matrix. The Response SLA in Minutes and Resolution SLA in Minutes were not displayed correctly.

This issue is now fixed and the correct Customer SLA Matrix is picked up while logging Incidents for a selected Workgroup and Category.

Known Issues

This section describes the known issues detected by the SummitAI Dev and QA team in the release, Alps.


On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.

On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists.
Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having lot of records (typically in the range of 5 digits).
On the NETWORK DEVICE VIEW page (Operations > User > Views > Network Device View), duplicate devices are displayed when Add For Monitoring is selected while discovering more Network Devices on the DISCOVERY page (Admin > Advanced > Discovery & Monitoring > Discovery > Select the Tenant from the Filters pop-up > Click SUBMIT to view the DISCOVERY page > Click ADD NEW from the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the required fields and select the Add For Monitoring field).

The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain.