AView Update Incidents of Other Users Who Belong to Selected Customer and or Location

Read Complete Release Notes 

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#18617, Incident Management, Alps)

What's New?

The End Users can now view, cancel, escalate, edit, and update the Additional Information section of the Incidents, which are logged by other users who belong to different Customer and/or location. Earlier, the End Users could only view their own incidents and the Incidents logged by other users who are mapped to the same Customer(s) to which the user is mapped.

Now, on the FILTERS pop-up page of the MY INCIDENTS page (Incident > My Incidents), two new filter options, Customers and Locations are added using which the user can filter and view the Incidents that are logged by other users who are mapped to the selected Customer and Location. 


These fields are displayed only when the View Other Users’ Incidents check box is selected.


Under the ACCESS tab of the NEW USER page (Admin > Basic > Users > User List > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Provide data under GENERAL tab > Click ACCESS tab > Activate Enable View Other Users’ Incidents Check Box), the following fields are added newly:

  • Customer: The Administrators can select the Customer(s) from the list. In addition to their own Incidents, the End User can view the Incidents logged by other users who are mapped to the Customer(s) selected in this field.
  • Location: The Administrators can select the Location(s) from the list. In addition to their own Incidents, the End User can view the Incidents logged by other users who are mapped to the Location(s) selected in this field.
  • Allow Edit: If selected, the user can cancel, escalate, and update the Additional Information section of the Incidents logged by other users who are mapped to the above-selected Customer(s) and Location(s). However, if this check box is not selected, the user can only view the incidents that are logged by other users.

For more information, see Adding Users.