ANotifying Source and/or Target Workgroup Owner(s) On Changing Workgroup and/or Analyst

Read Complete Release Notes 

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (#15953, Incident Management and Service Request Management, Alps)

What's New?

The source and/or target Workgroup Owner are now notified when an Incident/SR is reassigned to another Workgroup and/or Analyst. This helps the Workgroup Owners to take immediate action on the reassigned Incidents/SRs.


 On the  TENANT page (Admin > Basic > InfrastructureTenant > Select the Module as Incident Management/Service Request) page, the following check boxes are added:

  • Notify Workgroup Owner(s) for Incident Reassignment: If selected, an e-mail notification is sent to the Workgroup Owner of the selected Tenant upon changing Analyst (within the same Workgroup) on the INCIDENT ID page. If both the existing Workgroup and Analyst are changed, the previous and current Workgroup Owners receive e-mail notifications. For more information, see Configuring Incident Management Module.
  • Notify Workgroup Owner(s) for SR Reassignment: If selected, an e-mail notification is sent to the Workgroup Owner of the selected Tenant upon changing Analyst (within the same Workgroup) on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page. If both the existing Workgroup and Analyst are changed, the previous and current Workgroup Owners receive e-mail notifications. For more information, see Configuring Service Request Management Module_SRM.

On the WORKGROUP page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Workgroup):

  • Notify Workgroup Owner for Incident: If selected, the Workgroup Owner is notified when this Workgroup and the Assigned Analyst are changed on the INCIDENT ID page.
  •  Notify Workgroup Owner for Service Request: If selected, the Workgroup Owner is notified when this Workgroup and the Assigned Analyst are changed on the SERVICE REQUEST DETAIL page.

For more information, see Configuring Workgroups Gen.


To display the Resolution Code in the e-mail notifications, the Administrators needs to insert the newly added Keyword *RESOLUTIONCODE* into the e-mail template from the KEYWORDS pop-up page of the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page. For more information, see Configuring Notification Templates.