Approval notification Thumbs-up icon and count

Feature released in SummitAI Service Management (Tahoe SP3 HF01, Incident Management)

What's New?

It is pivotal for Approvers to quickly identify the pending approvals at their fingertips. To enable Approvers to specifically know, what are their pending actions, Pending Approval Incidents Count and provision to click on pending approval incident and take necessary actions is introduced in this release. Based on the approver logged-in to the SummitAI Application, the count will be shown specifically for pending actions related to the logged-in user only.  

Upon clicking APPROVALS in the top navigation panel, you can now view the Pending Approval Incidents and their count. 

Business Benefits

  • Enables approvers to exactly know pending approval incidents in their bucket.
  • Take quick actions directly from the APPROVALS > Pending Approval Incidents. 
  • Prevent delays in approving incidents that have high business impact. 


Ensure that the following prerequisites are met: 

  • As an Admin ensure that the "Incident Approval Workflow" is up and running. 
  • You have an approver already configured for Incidents using Incident > Configuration > Others > Approval Configuration > Configure Approvers for preferred 'Tenants' and conditions. 

Configuration Steps

To view the count and act on the Pending Approval Incidents: 

  1. Log in as one of the Approvers.
  2. Click APPROVALS thumbs-up icon displayed in the top navigation panel.

    Figure: APPROVALS Thumbsup Icon

    The following screen is displayed along with the count.

      Figure: Pending Approval Incidents

  3. Click on the pending approval and perform the necessary action.