SummitAI Tahoe HF08 Release Notes
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The SUMMITAI Release Notes Tahoe HF08 provides improvement details, customer fixed issues, and known issues in the current release. Many of these improvements are incorporated based on customer feedback and inputs. We thank you for your valuable feedback and time.
Service Management - Two tables added to Problem Management module
Few DN tables related to Problem Management modules are added. These enhancements capture some additional data, which are useful for more accurate calculations and improving the reporting functionalities. The name of tables are:
PM_RPT_DN_ Diagnostic_Details
A new table is added to capture the diagnostic details about the Problem Records.
- The table displays the details of Problem Records under the following column names: ID, Problem ID, Activity Name, Result, Updated By, Updated By Name, Update Time, and Original File Name.
- It creates a checklist of diagnostic details for Problem Records in Problem Management module.
Column Information
Column Name | Column Type | Nullable | Descriptions | Relations |
[ ID] | numeric (18,0) Not Null | No | Internal use | PM_Diagnostic_ Details_Syn |
[Problem ID] | numeric (18,0) Not Null | No | ID of the Problem Record | PM_RPT_DN_ ProblemMaster |
[Activity] | nvarchar (max) Null | Yes | Name of the Activity | N/A |
[Result] | nvarchar (max) Null | Yes | Description of the Result | N/A |
[Updated By] | numeric (18,0) Null | Yes | Emp ID of the user who updated the Problem Record | N/A |
[Updated By Name] | nvarchar (1000) Null | Yes | Name of the User who updated the Problem Record | N/A |
[Updated Time] | datetime Null | Yes | Problem records updated date and time | N/A |
[Original File Name] | nvarchar(500) Null | Yes | Name of the File | N/A |
PM_RPT_DN_ Problem_Record_History
A new table is added to capture the the history about Problem Records in Problem Management module.
- The table displays the details of Problem Record, date of updated history, user ID and name of the user who updated the records, old and new record number along with impersonate user’s name, ID, and Email ID.
Column Information
Column Name | Column Type | Nullable | Descriptions | Relations |
[RID] | numeric (18,0) Null | Yes | Unique ID for records without functional link | PM_RPT_DN_ Problem_Record_History |
[Problem ID] | numeric (18,0) Null | Yes | ID of the Problem Record | PM_Problem_ Ticket_Master |
[Column Name] | nvarchar(225) Null | Yes | Name of Field Information | N/A |
[Change Date] | datetime Null | Yes | Date of Updated History | N/A |
[Change By User ID] | numeric (18,0) Null | Yes | Emp ID of the user who updated the Problem Record | N/A |
[Change By User Name] | nvarchar(150) Null | Yes | Name of the User who updated the Problem Record | N/A |
[Change By User Email ID] | nvarchar(100) Null | Yes | Email ID of the User who updated the Problem Record | N/A |
[Old Value] | nvarchar(max) Null | Yes | Old value of the Record | N/A |
[New Value] | nvarchar(max) Null | Yes | New value of the Record | N/A |
[Impersonation User ID] | numeric (18,0) Null | Yes | Emp ID of the Impersonate User | N/A |
[Impersonation Username] | nvarchar(150) Null | Yes | Name of the Impersonate User | N/A |
[Impersonation User Email ID] | nvarchar(100) Null | Yes | Email ID of the Impersonate User | N/A |