Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues Tahoe HF 03
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On this page: Customer Fixed Issues | Known Issues
Hotfix Merges
The following Hotfixes are merged with this release. Please refer to the respective Release Notes for details.
Resolved Issues
This section provides details about the fixed customer issues in following modules.
IT Service Management
Issue Number | Issue Description | Scenario | Resolution |
93570 | Requestor Name and Request Logged by names were interchanged when PDF export was done. | Prerequisite: 1) Login to Application for example as Sukruta. 2)Navigate to Change> User >New Change Record 3)Enter a name in the requestor field for example as Manasa. 4)Enter all the mandatory fields and submit the CR. 5)Click on Export to PDF. | The exported PDF doesn’t interchange Requestor Name and Request Logged by. PDF shows the correct names |
93512 | New Incident Description Image was not completely visible. Left to right scroll bar was missing at the description field. | Prerequisite: 1)An Incident should be logged for a particular tenant such that the description of the incident consists of a large screenshot. 2) Login to the application as the caller of the incident consisting of a large screenshot in the description. 3) Go to Incident > My Incidents. 4)Open the previously logged incident consisting of a large screenshot in the description. 5) Navigate to Description field. | Now a click on the image shows full image as a popup along with Left to right scroll bar enabled. |
93269 | On the Configuration Item List page, while opening CMDB, the following error message was getting displayed for the end-user. “Oops! An error occurred.” Note: This issue was happening when the User Access Configuration was enabled. (CMDB > Configuration > User Access Configuration). | Prerequisite: Navigate to CMDB > User > Configuration Item List. The Configuration Item List page is displayed. | On the Configuration Item List page, the end-user is able to open CMDB without any error message. |
Issue # | Issue Description | Scenario | Resolution |
95428 | When the password was specified against a Script parameter with Data Source as Password in Step 2 - Configure Actions tab of Orchestration page, the password was not getting encrypted in the backend. Instead, the password was saving as a plain text. | Prerequisites:
The new saved password must be saved in an encrypted format but it is saving as plain text. | When the password was specified against a Script parameter with Data Source as Password in Step 2 - Configure Actions tab of Orchestration page, the password is now getting encrypted in the backend. Encrypted password now provides more security than earlier password saved as plain text. |
Known Issues
This section describes the known issues detected by the SummitAI Dev and QA team from previous releases.
Issue Number | Issue Description | Scenario | Workaround |
92233 | On submitting the cloned CR, the following message is displayed: “The Standard Template is mandatory.” | Prerequisites:
| NA |
Issue |
An Administrator has remapped the Resigned approver approvals to a new approver in the Resigned Approver List. Before the original approver has resigned, an asset task for floor or store movement is awaiting approval. It is now assigned to the new approver as per action taken by Admin. The new approver is getting an information message "You are not an approver" on the Movement Approval page (Asset > Manage Assets > Approvals > Movement Approval) while approving an asset for floor or store movement. (#86330) |
On Change Record List screen, the selected field value for the Tag filter is getting cleared when you select the field value for the Tenant filter as ALL. (#86329) |
A sub-status that is not default, is deactivated even though the sub-status is assigned to an Asset. |
Full Name is not displayed under FIXED ASSETS upon selecting Dashboard > Asset Dashboard. This issue occurs when you have configured the Sub Status parent with 50 characters or more. (#86159) Note The Full Name is displayed, if you rotate the PIE Chart to 90 degrees. |
The sub-status value of previously selected Tenant is retained still for the newly selected Tenant. For example, the sub-status value selected for a Tenant ‘IT Solutions’ is ‘server’. Now search for a different Tenant and select another Tenant as ‘Information Technology’. The sub-status value ‘server’ of previous Tenant is displayed incorrectly for the newly selected Tenant ‘Information Technology’. (#86273) |
On the Remote Desktop Sharing screen, when you request for a Microsoft Teams meeting link (Advanced > RDP Type > Microsoft Teams) and click on Audit Log hyperlink under Session History tab, the message "Your request is processing please wait…" is displayed, but no further action is being made (#86297). |
The formatting of Custom Attributes and Attribute Values using nicEditor on the User Communication tab of the Service Request Details page is missing when you click on the Print icon of the My Service Request Details page (#84048). |
The text alignment of Custom Attributes and Attribute Values mentioned on the Service Request Details page is not getting displayed properly on the My Service Request Details page under the Additional Information tab (#83888). |
On the notification window, the scheduled CAB meeting time is displaying incorrectly (#85493). |
On accepting the meeting invite (calendar invite), the date and time are displaying incorrectly in the When field of the acceptance e-mail in the Sent Items folder (#84971). |
On Microsoft Teams, the joined user details are displaying as 'U'(Undefined). But on hovering the mouse on 'U', the user details are displaying on the screen. This issue is happening only with the Admin account (#84966). |
While sharing the screen, the selected screen is getting displayed multiple times and the screen gets stuck. Due to this issue, the data on the screen is not completely displayed. This issue is occurring only when the user logs in to the MS Teams desktop app as well as a browser app at the same time and tries to share the screen (#84978). |
Admin is not getting any notification that users are waiting in the lobby when the Admin has opened the MS teams in two different browsers or two different devices (#84982). |
On the COMMUNICATION HISTORY pop-up, the data (Custom attributes and its values) of the User Communication is not displayed in proper format and all the data is displayed in a single line without any delimiter. This issue occurred when Custom Attributes and their values were updated from the User Communication section on the SR Details page (#84018). |
On the Communication tab and Change History tab of the Service Request Summary pop-up, the Custom attributes, and its values are not aligned properly. This issue occurred when Custom Attributes and their values were updated from the User Communication section on the SR Details page (#83893). |
In the User Communication tab of the Service Request Detail page, formatting applied to Custom Attributes and Attribute Values using nicEditor is not retained in the End-User e-mail body when the ticket is updated. (Bug# 84047) |
In the Text Editor, when text alignment (Middle, Centre, Left) option is used, the UI alignment is not working as expected throughout the SummitAI application. (Bug# 85770) |
Following known issues are observed in the Problem Record Detail page for Mobile application:
(Bug# 85946) |
On the SEARCH ASSET page (ASSET > USER > MANAGE ASSETS > ASSET INVENTORY page > Click Non-Fixed Asset icon (Consumable, Accessories, or Software) > Click Search Asset icon), an error message "Oops! An error occurred" was displayed when the length of the specified search text is more than 30 characters. This issue exists for the following scenarios:
(Bug# 73532) |
For the Custom Attribute (Drop-down), if any value is set as default on the Form Builder page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next > Drag and drop the Drop-down Custom Attribute > Type in the Label for the Custom Attribute > Select Options (data source) as Manual > Type in the Drop-down Values and Make one value as default), then the default value is not automatically set for that Custom Attribute (Drop-down) across the Incident Management module (Bug# 71703). |
If the SLA is paused during the PR resolution and the Paused Time is before RCA Deadline, the paused duration is not getting added to the Resolution Deadline. This issue is occurring when the Resolution Deadline Type is selected as RCA Deadline Time in the Deadline Configuration. (Bug#74495) Note: If the SLA Paused Time is between RCA Actual Time and RCA Deadline, the paused duration does not consider for the Resolution Deadline. Example: Consider the PR Log Time as 9:00 AM, RCA Deadline as one hour, and Resolution Deadline two hours. The paused duration does not add if the Analyst performs the below actions:
The Expected Resolution Deadline should be: RCA Deadline Time + Resolution Deadline + Paused Time = 10:00 AM + 2 hours + 10 mins = 12:10 PM. |
When the Maker-Checker configuration is enabled for the Allocate action and Maker-Checker approval matrix is configured with two levels of approval, on sending the Allocated Assets for Checker’s approval, the following issues are observed:
Bug Reproduction Steps:
The GetBulletinBoard Mobile API request is used to retrieve Bulletin Board information. The User ID and Tenant Code are passed as the Request Parameters. In the API Response, instead of displaying the Bulletin Board information for the specific User ID and Tenant, the Bulletin Board information for all the Tenants is displayed. (#73031) Prerequisites: Configure Bulletin Boards for multiple Tenants. Bug Reproduction Steps:
On the ACTION DETAILS pop-up page, the Target ID is not showing in the Target column when Status of the Orchestration Workflow Script (other than the first Script) is In-Progress, and it is having Target Host Type mapped to From Previous Output value. However, the Target ID is displayed after the Script is executed successfully. (#73079) Note: This issue is found in Incident Management, Work Order, and Service Request Management (SR) modules. Following bug reproduction steps are for the SR module: Bug Reproduction Steps:
On the IMPORT ASSET and ADD ASSET pages, the users can add multiple Assets with same Serial No., although, Serial No. is a unique field for Assets. This issue is found if Maker/Checker configuration is enabled. For example, a user added an Asset with Serial No. 123 and is pending for Checker’s approval. The user is able to add another Asset with same Serial No. 123. And send for Checker’s approval. The Checker is also able to approve two Assets with same Serial Number on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page. Bug Reproduction Steps:
(Bug#67236) |
The previous Asset transaction details are not displayed under the Previous Transaction drop-down list on the PREVIOUS IMPORT DETAILS page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Import > Import Asset > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT), even though the Assets are approved by the Checker on the MAKER-CHECKER ASSET-APPROVAL page (Asset > User > Manage Assets > Approvals > Maker Checker Approval > Click Filters on the ACTIONS panel > Specify the filter criteria to view the list of requests from the Maker > Select the Assets that you want to approve under the LIST section > Click APPROVE on the ACTIONS panel > Select the Approval Status as Approved.) This issue is found when the Asset Maker Checker Configurations is enabled. (Bug#67240) |
On the ADMIN DETAILS page (Admin > Advanced > Password Management > Administrator > Click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel > Specify all the details > Click SUBMIT > Select the Domain Name on the LIST page), the Password field is not displaying the GUID or Encrypted ID of the password and the field is empty. This issue is found when the user is logging into the SummitAI application using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. |
On the Incident Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Incident Management > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists. |
On the Service Request Management FORM BUILDER page (Admin > FORM BUILDER > Select a Tenant > Select Module as Service Request > Click Add on Actions panel> Select Display At as Additional Information or General Area or TFS Area > Click Next), when a user configures single Parent and Multiple Child using Common Master, the collective values of both Child 1 and Child 2 are displayed in Child 1 and Child 2 drop-down lists. |
The configured Bulletin Board (Admin > Advanced > Notifications > Bulletin Board > Select the Tenant > Click ADD NEW to configure the Bulletin details > Click SUBMIT) is displayed on the END USER DASHBOARD page even if the user does not have access to the selected Tenant and Domain. |
Overlapping of content is observed on the Pagination bar of all the pages having high amount of data (typically in the range of 5 digits). |
Broken image of the logo is displayed in the application when the logo image is deleted from the APPLICATION SETTINGS page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Application Settings). Workaround: The users need to re-login to the SummitAI application after deleting the logo. |
On the AUTO-RESOLUTION SERVICE REQUEST CONFIGURATION and AUTO-RESOLUTION INCIDENT CONFIGURATION page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select Domain > Select Tenant which is configured with Service Request/ Incident Management module > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Under the For End Users tab, select a reason form the Enable Reminder to Callers for Pending Reasons drop-down list > Enable Auto-Resolve Service Requests/ Auto-Resolve Incidents check box > Click Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Service Requests/ Set Fields for Auto-Resolving Incidents link), the users can set the auto-resolution criteria by specifying only white space (not numbers and alphabets) in the Response SLA Reason, Resolution SLA Reason, and Solution fields. |
The following issues are observed in BI Custom Reports:
The Change Record is not created when the CR Requester and Customer Approver are same. This issue occurs even though Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box is selected on the Change Management TENANT configuration page. This issue occurs only for the first time when the Tenant is configured. Workaround: The Administrator needs to unselect and again select the Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR on the Change Management TENANT configuration page (Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Tenant > Select the respective Tenant for which this issue is occurring > Click CONFIGURE DETAILS on the ACTIONS panel > Enable Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and click SUBMIT > Clear Do Not allow Customer Approval of CR check box and then click SUBMIT, again). |
The new SLA Value of an Incident is not displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident) when an incident is moved from New status to In-Progress using Notification Services. |
The Pending Reason of an incident is still displayed on the CHANGE HISTORY pop-up page (Incident > User > Manage Incidents > Incident List > Select the required Incident ID from the list > Click CHANGE HISTORY on the ACTIONS to view the change history of the selected Incident), when an Orchestration Script fails and the respective Incident is moved back from Pending to In-Progress. |
The notification e-mails related to escalation and jobs are triggered only in English language irrespective of the configured language on the NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE page for all the modules (Admin> Advanced> Notification> Notification Template> Select a Tenant > Click ADD NEW > Specify all the required fields > Click SUBMIT). |