Summit Denali SP3 HF22 Release Notes

Summit Denali SP3 HF22 Release Notes

On this page: 

What's New?

New Features and Improvements

The following sections provide module-wise crisp summary of new features and improvements introduced in Denali SP3 HF22 Release. 

Service Management 

The following section provides a sneak-peak of the functionalities added for Service Management. 


Improvement Name

Improvement Description

Improvement Benefits

Added a new DN table:

CMDB_RPT_DN_CI_History Table update on DB Schema Guide 

The following table has been added: 

  • CMDB_RPT_DN_CI_History
  • Captures the CMDB history records.

Added a new DN table:

ADM_RPT_DN_UM_<Tab Name>_<Group Name>_Multi_Valued Table update on DB Schema Guide 

The following table has been added: 

  • ADM_RPT_DN_UM_<Tab Name>_<Group Name>_Multi_Valued
  • Caputres the auto created dynamic multi valued attributes for the Admin module.

CMDB_RPT_DN_CI_History Table update on DB Schema Guide 

Purpose: This table holds CMDB CI history records  

Column NameColumn TypeNullableDescriptionsRelations
[Org Id]int Not NullNoOrganization IDOrganization_Master_Syn
[Configuration Item Id]bigint Not NullNoCI ID for CMDB dataNA
[Change Id]bigint Not NullNoChange number for each CINA
[Column Name]nvarchar(225) Not NullNoColumn name for which value changedNA
[Change Date]datetime NullYesDate when value changedNA
[Changed By]nvarchar(50) NullYesUser who has changed the valueNA
[Old Value]nvarchar(max) NullYesPrevious valueNA
[New Value]nvarchar(max) NullYesNew valueNA
[UnAuthorised]bit Not NullNoIndicate whether authorize or notNA
[UID]int NullYesRecords unique IDNA
[Attribute ID]int NullYesCaptures attribute ID in case of custom fieldNA
[Change By User Name]nvarchar(200) NullYesName of the user who changed the recordNA
[Change By User EmailID]nvarchar(150) NullYesEmail of the user who changed the recordNA

ADM_RPT_DN_UM_<Tab Name>_<Group Name>_Multi_Valued Table update on DB Schema Guide 

Purpose: Auto created dynamic multi valued attributes custom tables for the Admin module

Column NameColumn TypeNullableDescriptionsRelations
[User ID]numeric(18,0) Not NullNoPrimary columnNA
[updated time]datetime NullYesLast updated time of recordsNA
[Row ID]numeric(18,0) Not NullNoRow numberNA
[Custom Attribute Cols]nvarchar(max) NullYesThe columns will be created dynamically based the custom attribute configurationNA

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