SummitAI CINDE Tahoe SP2 Release Notes

SummitAI CINDE Tahoe SP2 Release Notes

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What's New?

The SUMMITAI CINDE Tahoe SP2 Release Notes provides improvement details, customer fixed issues, and known issues in the current release. Many of these improvements are incorporated based on customer feedback and inputs. We thank you for your valuable feedback and time.


New Features

This release does not include any new feature.


Improvement Name

Improvement Description 

Business Benefits

Live Agent Transfer (LAT) Enhancement - Export Functionality

Target Persona: SME

You can export the conversation details for a specific date range to a CSV file. The conversation details is a history of the conversation occurred between the End User and the Live Agent (Analyst), from the time when the virtual agent conversation is transferred to the Live Agent.

It provides a quick snapshot of the Live Agent Transfer (LAT) conversation details.

For more information, see Viewing Conversation Logs.

  • Productivity measurement for Live Agent.

  • Generate Business metrices for LAT capabilities.

  • Drive process improvement for LAT capability. 



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