SummitAI Digital Agent v2.0.0 Release Notes

SummitAI Digital Agent v2.0.0 Release Notes

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What's New?

The SUMMITAI Digital Agent v2.0.0 Release Notes provides new feature details, customer fixed issues, and known issues in the current release. Many of these new features are incorporated based on customer feedback and inputs. We thank you for your valuable feedback and time. Read detailed information here.

Digital Agent

New Features

Feature Name

Feature Description 

Business Benefits

Creating Tickets with Digital Agent

User Persona: End-User

Digital Agent logs a ticket based on the specified symptom. It determines that the user wishes to log an SR (Service Request), or an Incident (INC) ticket based on end user response. Accordingly, Digital Agent redirects the user chat to the respective flows.

Digital Agent has a pre-defined behavior for unsupported, unidentified, complex, or auto-resolution catalogues while creating an SR.  

For more information, see Creating Tickets with Digital Agent.

  • Optimize the ticket log time and efforts.
  • Improved user experience by automating majority of user queries.

Integrating Digital Agent with Service Request 

User Persona: End-User

Digital Agent logs an SR ticket based on the symptoms and accordingly redirects the user to the SR Workflows.

For more information, see Integrating Digital Agent with Service Request.

  • Boost efficiency for raising SRs with couple of clicks.
  • Quick and faster transfer to WebApp for any specific information.

Chitchat & FAQ

User Persona: End-User

Digital Agent uses AI to match your speech to these typical conversational intentions and responds accordingly.

Digital Agent addresses the FAQs asked by the end-user. You can converse with Digital Agent to ask questions and receive conversational responses. Based on the data input given to Digital Agent, the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) output is unique to the relevant organization.

For more information, see Chitchat & FAQ.

  • Reduce the back-and-forth conversations between user and analyst.
  • Improvised self-service with its intelligent recommendations to auto-resolve the problems.
  • Cost reduction by handling higher volumes of iterative tasks.

Integrating Web Chat, MS Teams and Slack with Digital Agent

User Persona: End-User

The Digital Agent supports Web Chat, Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) and Slack. You can type in the questions or intent in the Chat window. Digital Agent responds to the questions, or the intent related to Incident Management and Service Request Management. 

For more information, see Integrating Web Chat with Digital Agent.

For more information, see Integrating MS Teams with Digital Agent.

For more information, see Integrating Slack with Digital Agent.

  • Omni-channel support to get the work done quickly.
  • Scale-up the user experience with significant reduction in resolution time.

Spell Check with Digital Agent

User Persona: End-User

The Digital Agent spell-checks user utterances in order to more effectively respond to user interactions (looking for typos, etc.). Digital Agent fixes any misspelt words in the phrase you submitted. 

For more information, see Spell Check with Digital Agent.

  • Provision to enhance the accuracy level with this smart skill.

  • Faster way to identify and correct the error.

Status flow of Tickets

User Persona: End-User

The Digital Agent displays the status of tickets with the following options for a logged-in user: 

  • Status of All Tickets (Incidents and SRs) 
  • Status of all SRs 
  • Status of all Incidents  
  • Status of only an Incident 
  • Status of only an SR 

For more information, see Status flow of Tickets.

  • Easily track the status of your tickets without much hassle. 
  • Improved user experience with immediate status update.



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