SummitAI Denali SP3 HF17 Release Notes vSummitAI

On this page: 

What's New?

We have fixed few customer reported issues in this release. For information about the bug fixes in this release, see Customer Fixed Issues and Known Issues

Security Considerations

Security Enhancements implemented to ensure data security and integrity.


  • IM/SR details page-user communication & end-user dashboard displayed GEN-Attachment error (403 status) in browser network tab (developer console). To fix this issue, copy noImageAvailable.png” from this location ~/Webfiles/Images/noImageAvailable.png Add the image in the userprofileimage-attachments folder (dynamically created inside the Application/Attachment directory)
  • To fix the performance tuning issue for SM, SLA Re-calculation for IM and SR, add the following key in the Web.config file.
    <add key="SLAReCalculate" value="false"/>
  • Additional security improvements has been implemented for the Form Builder configuration screens.