


A Change Template is a layout with a set of fields and pre-defined values that is used to create a Change Record. Using a Change Template manual workaround is reduced. In order to create Change Record we need a Change Template, the same can be configured for Global Tenant and Local Tenant. Let us dive deep to understand the functionality.

Configure Change Template with Global Tenancy

Creating a Change Record on a Global Tenant allows you to create and save the Change Template with Global specific values. This will also provide you an option to edit the Change Template which is created within the Global Tenant. 

To configure Global Tenancy for a Change Template, perform the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to Change > User > New Change Record. 
    A new change record page is displayed.

  2. Select GLOBAL TENANT from the Tenant dropdown list and enter the required details.
    This will allow you to configure a CM Template with Global Tenancy.

    Figure: New Change Record


    Upon selecting Global Tenant the Workgroup dropdown and the dropdown fields in the Impact section are populated with the global values.

  3. Active checkbox is selected by default on the Change Record page.
    This indicates that the Change Template is Active.

    Figure: Change Template Configuration

  4. Click SAVE AS TEMPLATE on the Actions panel, enter the Template name, and click Save Template.
    A pop up with a message Change Template is saved successfully is displayed, click OK. Now, a change template on the Global Tenant has been created.

    Figure: Create Template

  5. Click EDIT TEMPLATE, on the Actions panel and select a Template.
    A pop-up is displayed with various search options along with an option to select checkbox for including inactive templates.

    Figure: Edit Template


    Global Tenancy is applicable for SAVE AS TEMPLATE and EDIT TEMPLATE Actions.

  6.  Click SAVE AS TEMPLATE from the Actions panel and click Save Template.
    The edited details are reflected on the Global Template.

    Figure: Edit Global Template

Configure Global Change Template on Local Tenant

Creating Change Record with Local Tenant allows you to Import the CR Template from the Global Tenant. All the records created on the Global Tenant are inherited to the Local Tenants.

To create a create a change template on a Local Tenant using a Globally configured template, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Change > User > New Change Record.
    A new change record page is displayed.

  2. Select Local Tenant from the dropdown list.
    This option allows you configure Global Template on Local Tenant.

    Figure: Local Change Record


    Local Tenant is applicable for IMPORT TEMPLATE.

  3. Click IMPORT TEMPLATE from the Actions panel and Click Select.
    A pop-up is displayed with various search options. Select the globally configured templated.

  4. Global values are inherited to the local template and click Submit.

    Figure: Global config on Local Tenant

  5. Click EDIT TEMPLATE from Actions panel.
    A pop-up is displayed with various search options along with an option to select checkbox for including inactive templates.

    Figure: Edit Global Template from Local Tenant

  6. Global value fields disabled on Local Tenant.

    Figure: Local Change Record with Global Configuration

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